Qinjun QIU
Qinjun QIU
China University of Geosciences; Nanyang Technological University
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Cited by
BiLSTM-CRF for geological named entity recognition from the geoscience literature
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, L Tao, W Li
Earth Science Informatics 12, 565-579, 2019
DA-RoadNet: A dual-attention network for road extraction from high resolution satellite imagery
J Wan, Z Xie, Y Xu, S Chen, Q Qiu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Geoscience keyphrase extraction algorithm using enhanced word embedding
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, W Li
Expert Systems with Applications 125, 157-169, 2019
DGeoSegmenter: A dictionary-based Chinese word segmenter for the geoscience domain
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, W Li
Computers & geosciences 121, 1-11, 2018
GNER: A generative model for geological named entity recognition without labeled data using deep learning
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, L Tao
Earth and Space science 6 (6), 931-946, 2019
Automatic spatiotemporal and semantic information extraction from unstructured geoscience reports using text mining techniques
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, L Tao
Earth Science Informatics 13 (4), 1393-1410, 2020
Dictionary‐based automated information extraction from geological documents using a deep learning algorithm
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu, L Tao
Earth and Space Science 7 (3), e2019EA000993, 2020
What is this article about? Generative summarization with the BERT model in the geosciences domain
K Ma, M Tian, Y Tan, X Xie, Q Qiu
Earth Science Informatics, 1-16, 2022
Unsupervised haze removal for high-resolution optical remote-sensing images based on improved generative adversarial networks
A Hu, Z Xie, Y Xu, M Xie, L Wu, Q Qiu
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4162, 2020
Chinese named entity recognition in the geoscience domain based on BERT
X Lv, Z Xie, D Xu, X Jin, K Ma, L Tao, Q Qiu, Y Pan
Earth and Space Science 9 (3), e2021EA002166, 2022
Extraction of temporal information from social media messages using the BERT model
K Ma, Y Tan, M Tian, X Xie, Q Qiu, S Li, X Wang
Earth Science Informatics 15 (1), 573-584, 2022
Construction and application of a knowledge graph for iron deposits using text mining analytics and a deep learning algorithm
Q Qiu, K Ma, H Lv, L Tao, Z Xie
Mathematical Geosciences 55 (3), 423-456, 2023
Understanding geological reports based on knowledge graphs using a deep learning approach
B Wang, L Wu, Z Xie, Q Qiu, Y Zhou, K Ma, L Tao
Computers & Geosciences 168, 105229, 2022
Spatially oriented convolutional neural network for spatial relation extraction from natural language texts
Q Qiu, Z Xie, K Ma, Z Chen, L Tao
Transactions in GIS 26 (2), 839-866, 2022
A semi-automatic approach for generating geological profiles by integrating multi-source data
B Wang, L Wu, W Li, Q Qiu, Z Xie, H Liu, Y Zhou
Ore Geology Reviews 134, 104190, 2021
Few-shot learning for name entity recognition in geological text based on GeoBERT
H Liu, Q Qiu, L Wu, W Li, B Wang, Y Zhou
Earth Science Informatics 15 (2), 979-991, 2022
A cyclic self-learning Chinese word segmentation for the geoscience domain
Q Qiu, Z Xie, L Wu
Geomatica 72 (1), 16-26, 2018
Chinese toponym recognition with variant neural structures from social media messages based on BERT methods
K Ma, YJ Tan, Z Xie, Q Qiu, S Chen
Journal of Geographical Systems 24 (2), 143-169, 2022
Geographic named entity recognition by employing natural language processing and an improved bert model
L Tao, Z Xie, D Xu, K Ma, Q Qiu, S Pan, B Huang
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 11 (12), 598, 2022
DGANet: A dilated graph attention-based network for local feature extraction on 3D point clouds
J Wan, Z Xie, Y Xu, Z Zeng, D Yuan, Q Qiu
Remote Sensing 13 (17), 3484, 2021
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Articles 1–20