Gaël Plumecocq
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Cited by
Agroecological transitions: what can sustainability transition frameworks teach us? An ontological and empirical analysis.
G Ollivier, D Magda, A Mazé, G Plumecocq, C Lamine
Ecology & Society 23 (2), 2018
The plurality of values in sustainable agriculture models
G Plumecocq, T Debril, M Duru, MB Magrini, JP Sarthou, O Therond
Ecology and Society 23 (1), 2018
The second generation of ecological economics: How far has the apple fallen from the tree?
G Plumecocq
Ecological Economics 107, 457-468, 2014
Influential publications in ecological economics revisited
R Costanza, RB Howarth, I Kubiszewski, S Liu, C Ma, G Plumecocq, ...
Ecological Economics 123, 68-76, 2016
Agroecological transition from farms to territorialised agri-food systems: issues and drivers
MB Magrini, G Martin, MA Magne, M Duru, N Couix, L Hazard, ...
Agroecological transitions: From theory to practice in local participatory …, 2019
L'économie écologique
A Douai, G Plumecocq
La Découverte, 2017
Legitimizing farmers' new knowledge, learning and practices through communicative action: Application of an agro-environmental policy
JP Del Corso, C Kephaliacos, G Plumecocq
Ecological Economics 117, 86-96, 2015
Dynamiques et structuration des circuits courts agroalimentaires en Limousin: distance institutionnelle, proximités spatiale et relationnelle
M Chevallier, J Dellier, G Plumecocq, F Richard
Géographie, économie, société 16 (3), 339-362, 2014
How do multi-criteria assessments address landscape-level problems? A review of studies and practices
S Allain, G Plumecocq, D Leenhardt
Ecological Economics 136, 282-295, 2017
‪ Caractérisation socio-économique des formes d’agriculture durable‪
G Plumecocq, T Debril, M Duru, MB Magrini, JP Sarthou, O Therond
Économie rurale 363, 99-120, 2018
Peer-reviewed literature on grain legume species in the WoS (1980–2018): A comparative analysis of soybean and pulses
MB Magrini, G Cabanac, M Lascialfari, G Plumecocq, MJ Amiot, M Anton, ...
Sustainability 11 (23), 6833, 2019
Spatial aggregation of indicators in sustainability assessments: Descriptive and normative claims
S Allain, G Plumecocq, D Leenhardt
Land Use Policy 76, 577-588, 2018
Linking deliberative evaluation with integrated assessment and modelling: A methodological framework and its application to agricultural water management
S Allain, G Plumecocq, D Leenhardt
Futures 120, 102566, 2020
Towards an integrated framework for the governance of a territorialised Agroecological transition
P Triboulet, JP Del Corso, M Duru, D Galliano, A Gonçalves, C Milou, ...
Agroecological transitions: From theory to practice in local participatory …, 2019
Faire entrer l’environnement dans l’économie. Temps, incertitudes et irréversibilités
G Froger, G Plumecocq
Revue française de socio-économie, 39-58, 2018
Socio-economic characterisation of agriculture models
O Therond, T Debril, M Duru, MB Magrini, G Plumecocq, JP Sarthou
Agroecological transitions: From theory to practice in local Participatory …, 2019
Rhetoric as a means for sustainable development policy
G Plumecocq
Environmental Values 23 (5), 529-549, 2014
Ressources cognitives et développement territorial: une analyse textuelle appliquée aux politiques locales de développement durable
G Plumecocq
Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, 765-782, 2012
La Transition Socio-Technique: un courant théorique dynamique
G Ollivier, G Plumecocq
Mobiliser les approches par les transitions dans la recherche sur les …, 2015
Objectivation négociée et gestion contestée de l’environnement. Introduction au dossier thématique «Modalités de qualification et de gestion des ressources naturelles»
T Debril, G Plumecocq, O Petit
Développement durable et territoires. Économie, géographie, politique, droit …, 2016
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Articles 1–20