Gottumukkala Pardha Saradhi Varma
Gottumukkala Pardha Saradhi Varma
Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
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Cited by
Preprocessing the informal text for efficient sentiment analysis
I Hemalatha, GPS Varma, A Govardhan
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science …, 2012
Sentiment analysis tool using machine learning algorithms
I Hemalatha, GPS Varma, A Govardhan
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science …, 2013
Pixel-based classification using support vector machine classifier
MKS Varma, NKK Rao, KK Raju, GPS Varma
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC), 51-55, 2016
Resnet-based modified red deer optimization with DLCNN classifier for plant disease identification and classification
SRG Reddy, GPS Varma, RL Davuluri
Computers and Electrical Engineering 105, 108492, 2023
A DRL-based service offloading approach using DAG for edge computational orchestration
MS Mekala, G Dhiman, G Srivastava, Z Nain, H Zhang, W Viriyasitavat, ...
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2022
Optimized convolutional neural network model for plant species identification from leaf images using computer vision
SRG Reddy, GPS Varma, RL Davuluri
International Journal of Speech Technology 26 (1), 23-50, 2023
Preprocessing the web server logs: an illustrative approach for effective usage mining
KS Reddy, GPS Varma, IR Babu
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 37 (3), 1-5, 2012
Mining Closed Sequential Patterns in Large Sequence DataBases
International Conference on Advanced Communication Control And Computing 5 (14), 2014
Understanding the scope of web usage mining & applications of web data usage patterns
KS Reddy, GPS Varma, SSS Reddy
2012 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications, 1-5, 2012
Simulated annealing based optimal controller placement in software defined networks with capacity constraint and failure awareness
P Aravind, GPS Varma, PP Reddy
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (8 …, 2022
Classification rules using decision tree for dengue disease
NKK Rao, GPS Varma, D Rao, P Cse
International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology 3 …, 2014
Accurate decision-making system for mining environment using Li-Fi 5G technology over IoT framework
MS Mekala, P Viswanathan, N Srinivasu, GPS Varma
2019 International Conference on contemporary Computing and Informatics …, 2019
A modified shape feature extraction technique for image retrieval
A Srinagesh, K Aravinda, GPS Varma, A Govardhan, M SreeLatha
International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering, 2013
An improved iterative watershed and morphological transformation techniques for segmentation of microarray images
AS Nagesh, DGPS Varma, DA Govardhan
IJCA Special Issue on “Computer Aided Soft Computing Techniques for Imaging …, 2010
Deep neural network (DNN) mechanism for identification of diseased and healthy plant leaf images using computer vision
SRG Reddy, GPS Varma, RL Davuluri
Annals of Data Science 11 (1), 243-272, 2024
Performance of secured and robust watermarking using evolutionary computing technique
B Sekhar, PP Reddy, GPS Varma
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 25 (4), 61-79, 2017
Derivative-based band clustering and multi-agent PSO optimization for optimal band selection of hyper-spectral images
KR Kalidindi, PSV Gottumukkala, R Davuluri
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (8), 5873-5898, 2020
Big Data Hadoop MapReduce Job Scheduling: A Short Survey
KS G. P. S. Varma, N. Deshai, B. V. D. S. Sekhar, S. Venkataramana
Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, Springer Singapore …, 2018
Clinical and etiological profile of an exudative pleural effusion in a tertiary care center
SL Reddy, K Varaprasad, N Narahari, K Bhaskar, GR Varma, ...
Indian J Respir Care 8 (1), 22-26, 2019
Taxonomy of satellite image and validation using statistical inference
D Rajyalakshmi, KK Raju, GPS Varma
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC), 352-361, 2016
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Articles 1–20