Per-Ivar Olsson
Per-Ivar Olsson
Engineering Geology, Lund University
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Cited by
Doubling the spectrum of time-domain induced polarization by harmonic de-noising, drift correction, spike removal, tapered gating and data uncertainty estimation
PI Olsson, G Fiandaca, JJ Larsen, T Dahlin, E Auken
Geophysical Supplements to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2016
Measuring time-domain spectral induced polarization in the on-time: decreasing acquisition time and increasing signal-to-noise ratio
PI Olsson, T Dahlin, G Fiandaca, E Auken
Journal of Applied Geophysics 123, 316-321, 2015
Investigations of a Cretaceous limestone with spectral induced polarization and scanning electron microscopy
S Johansson, C Sparrenbom, G Fiandaca, A Lindskog, PI Olsson, ...
Geophysical Journal International 208 (2), 954-972, 2017
Mixing method
J Svensson, B Nilsson, P Olsson, L Jansson
US Patent 6,468,807, 2002
A geoelectrical pre-study of Älvkarleby test embankment dam: 3D forward modelling and effects of structural constraints on the 3D inversion model of zoned embankment dams
R Norooz, PI Olsson, T Dahlin, T Günther, C Bernstone
Journal of Applied Geophysics 191, 104355, 2021
Data acquisition, processing and filtering for reliable 3D resistivity and time‐domain induced polarisation tomography in an urban area: field example of Vinsta, Stockholm
M Rossi, T Dahlin, PI Olsson, T Günther
Near Surface Geophysics 16 (3), 220-229, 2018
Mapping geological structures in bedrock via large‐scale direct current resistivity and time‐domain induced polarization tomography
M Rossi, PI Olsson, S Johanson, G Fiandaca, DP Bergdahl, T Dahlin
Near Surface Geophysics 15 (6), 657-667, 2017
Effect of current pulse duration in recovering quantitative induced polarization models from time-domain full-response and integral chargeability data
PI Olsson, G Fiandaca, PK Maurya, T Dahlin, E Auken
Geophysical Journal International 218 (3), 1739-1747, 2019
Doubling the spectrum of time-domain induced polarization: removal of non-linear self-potential drift, harmonic noise and spikes, tapered gating, and uncertainty estimation
PI Olsson, G Fiandaca, JJ Larsen, T Dahlin, E Auken
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on induced polarization, 1-4, 2016
Photometer and cuvette for mixing
J Svensson, B Nilsson, P Olsson, L Jansson, B Jönsson
US Patent 6,333,007, 2001
Resistivity inversion software comparison
K Hellman, SJ Johansson, PO Olsson, TD Dahlin
Near Surface Geoscience 2016-22nd European Meeting of Environmental and …, 2016
Impact of time-domain IP pulse length on measured data and inverted models
PI Olsson, G Fiandaca, T Dahlin, E Auken
Near Surface Geoscience 2015-21st European Meeting of Environmental and …, 2015
Production of microcuvettes
L Jansson, P Olsson, N Pogorzelski, I Hultgren
US Patent 6,607,701, 2003
Novel electrode design for non-destructive resistivity measurement on material in geotechnical standard sample cylinders
T Dahlin, M Lumetzberger, P Hedblom, S Rejkjär, P Olsson
NSG2023 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics …, 2023
Heterodox transients in time-domain-induced polarization
G Fiandaca, PI Olsson, PK Maurya, A Kühl, T Bording, T Dahlin, E Auken
Geophysics 87 (1), E35-E47, 2022
Field-Scale Quality Control of Lime-Cement Pillar in Conductive Clay Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
P Olsson, S Rejkjär, T Dahlin
1st Conference on Geophysics for Infrastructure Planning Monitoring and BIM …, 2019
Non-standard responses in time-domain induced polarization measurements
G Fiandaca, P Olsson, PK Maurya, A Kühl, TS Bording, T Dahlin, E Auken
25th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2019 (1), 1-5, 2019
Spectral Time Domain IP-Factors Affecting Data Information Content and Applicability to Geological Characterization
A Rezvani, T Dahlin, PI Olsson, G Fiandaca, P Ahhnfelt
Near Surface Geoscience 2015-21st European Meeting of Environmental and …, 2015
Monitoring of Älvkarleby test embankment dam using 3D electrical resistivity tomography for detection of internal defects
R Norooz, A Nivorlis, PI Olsson, T Günther, C Bernstone, T Dahlin
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 14 (5), 1275-1294, 2024
Advances in time–domain induced polarisation tomography: Data acquisition, processing and modelling
PI Olsson
Lund University, 2018
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Articles 1–20