Jason Bocarro
Jason Bocarro
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Supported or pressured? An examination of agreement among parent's and children on parent's role in youth sports.
MA Kanters, J Bocarro, J Casper
Journal of sport behavior 31 (1), 2008
Park-based physical activity among children and adolescents
MF Floyd, JN Bocarro, WR Smith, PK Baran, RC Moore, NG Cosco, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (3), 258-265, 2011
Park use among youth and adults: examination of individual, social, and urban form factors
PK Baran, WR Smith, RC Moore, MF Floyd, JN Bocarro, NG Cosco, ...
Environment and Behavior 46 (6), 768-800, 2014
An integrative review of sport-based youth development literature
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
Sport in Society 20 (1), 161-179, 2017
Research on race and ethnicity in leisure studies: A review of five major journals
MF Floyd, JN Bocarro, TD Thompson
Journal of Leisure Research 40 (1), 1-22, 2008
School physical education, extracurricular sports, and lifelong active living
J Bocarro, MA Kanters, J Casper, S Forrester
Journal of teaching in physical education 27 (2), 155-166, 2008
Nature prescriptions for health: A review of evidence and research opportunities
MC Kondo, KO Oyekanmi, A Gibson, EC South, J Bocarro, JA Hipp
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (12), 4213, 2020
School sport policy and school-based physical activity environments and their association with observed physical activity in middle school children
JN Bocarro, MA Kanters, E Cerin, MF Floyd, JM Casper, LJ Suau, ...
Health & place 18 (1), 31-38, 2012
Family leisure: An integrative review of research from select journals
C Hodge, JN Bocarro, KA Henderson, R Zabriskie, TL Parcel, MA Kanters
Journal of Leisure Research 47 (5), 577-600, 2015
School sport participation under two school sport policies: comparisons by race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status
MA Kanters, JN Bocarro, MB Edwards, JM Casper, MF Floyd
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 45 (suppl_1), S113-S121, 2013
Collaborative advantages: The role of interorganizational partnerships for youth sport nonprofit organizations
GJ Jones, M Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
Journal of sport management 31 (2), 148-160, 2017
“Just let me play!”—Understanding constraints that limit adolescent sport participation
JM Casper, JN Bocarro, MA Kanters, MF Floyd
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 8 (s1), S32-S39, 2011
A Family Thing: Positive Youth Development Outcomes of a Sport-Based Life Skills Program.
CJ Hodge, MA Kanters, T Forneris, JN Bocarro, R Sayre-McCord
Journal of Park & Recreation Administration 35 (1), 2017
Urban park use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Are socially vulnerable communities disproportionately impacted?
LR Larson, Z Zhang, JI Oh, W Beam, SS Ogletree, JN Bocarro, KJJ Lee, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 3, 710243, 2021
Examining the environmental characteristics of shared leadership in a sport-for-development organization
GJ Jones, CE Wegner, KS Bunds, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro
Journal of Sport Management 32 (2), 82-95, 2018
Mapping research on legacy of mega sporting events: Structural changes, consequences, and stakeholder evaluations in empirical studies
J Koenigstorfer, JN Bocarro, T Byers, MB Edwards, GJ Jones, H Preuss
Leisure Studies 38 (6), 729-745, 2019
Leveraging community sport organizations to promote community capacity: Strategic outcomes, challenges, and theoretical considerations
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
Sport Management Review 21 (3), 279-292, 2018
A structural perspective of cross-sector partnerships involving youth sport nonprofit organizations
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, KS Bunds, JW Smith
European Sport Management Quarterly 18 (2), 133-155, 2018
Peer reviewed: Social and environmental factors related to boys’ and girls’ park-based physical activity
JN Bocarro, MF Floyd, WR Smith, MB Edwards, CL Schultz, P Baran, ...
Preventing chronic disease 12, 2015
A community capacity building approach to sport-based youth development
GJ Jones, MB Edwards, JN Bocarro, PG Svensson, K Misener
Sport Management Review 23 (4), 563-575, 2020
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Articles 1–20