Benoit Prabel
Benoit Prabel
Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, Service d'Etudes Mécaniques et Thermiques, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette
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Level set X-FEM non matching meshes: application to dynamic crack propagation in elastic-plastic media
B Prabel, A Combescure, A Gravouil, S Marie
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 69 (8), 1553-1569, 2006
A 3D finite element model for the vibration analysis of asymmetric rotating machines
A Lazarus, B Prabel, D Combescure
Journal of Sound and Vibration 329 (18), 3780-3797, 2010
Bifurcation tracking by Harmonic Balance Method for performance tuning of nonlinear dynamical systems
L Xie, S Baguet, B Prabel, R Dufour
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 88, 445-461, 2017
Using the X-FEM method to model the dynamic propagation and arrest of cleavage cracks in ferritic steel
B Prabel, S Marie, A Combescure
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (10), 2984-3009, 2008
Period doubling bifurcation analysis and isolated sub-harmonic resonances in an oscillator with asymmetric clearances
R Alcorta, S Baguet, B Prabel, P Piteau, G Jacquet-Richardet
Nonlinear Dynamics 98 (4), 2939-2960, 2019
2D fatigue crack propagation in rails taking into account actual plastic stresses
B Trollé, MC Baietto, A Gravouil, SH Mai, B Prabel
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 123, 163-181, 2014
Thermodynamically consistent linear-gradient damage model in Abaqus
G Molnár, A Doitrand, A Jaccon, B Prabel, A Gravouil
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 266, 108390, 2022
A 3D automatic mesh refinement X-FEM approach for fatigue crack propagation
G Gibert, B Prabel, A Gravouil, C Jacquemoud
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 157, 21-37, 2019
Modélisation avec la méthode X-FEM de la propagation dynamique et de l'arrêt de fissure de clivage dans un acier de cuve REP
B Prabel
INSA de Lyon, 2007
Modelling with X-FEM dynamic propagation and arrest of a cleavage crack in PWR steel
B Prabel
Adaptive mesh refinement and cycle jumps for phase-field fatigue fracture modeling
A Jaccon, B Prabel, G Molnár, J Bluthé, A Gravouil
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 224, 104004, 2023
Numerical Tracking of Limit Points for Direct Parametric Analysis in Nonlinear Rotordynamics
L Xie, S Baguet, B Prabel, R Dufour
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 138, 2016
Mode I+ III multiscale cohesive zone model with facet coarsening and overlap: Solutions and applications to facet orientation and toughening
V Lazarus, B Prabel, T Cambonie, JB Leblond
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 141, 104007, 2020
Finite element simulation of high cycle fretting wear using an implicit adaptive cycle jump
Q Caradec, M Breuzé, H Maitournam, B Prabel, JL Fayard
Wear 522, 204703, 2023
Extended finite element modeling of 3D dynamic crack growth under impact loading
T Elguedj, RP de Saint Maurice, A Combescure, V Faucher, B Prabel
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 151, 1-17, 2018
Propagation de fissures tridimensionnelles dans des matériaux inélastiques avec XFEM dans Cast3m
B Prabel, T Yuritzinn, T Charras, A Simatos
10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2011
Analyse 3D des vibrations non-linéaires des rotors avec défauts
B Prabel
11e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2013
MANTA: un code HPC généraliste pour la simulation de problèmes complexes en mécanique
O Jamond, N Lelong, A Fourmont, J Bluthé, M Breuze, P Bouda, ...
CSMA 2022 15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, 2022
Modelling the tearing crack growth in a ductile ferritic steel using X-FEM elements
A Simatos, B Prabel, S Marie, M Ne´ de´ lec, A Combescure
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 44526, 281-294, 2011
Numerical continuation and stability of nonlinear systems with distributed delays: Application to fluid-induced impacts of tubes in cross-flow
R Alcorta, B Prabel, S Baguet, P Piteau
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 161, 104667, 2024
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Articles 1–20