Articles with public access mandates - Anna StavitskayaLearn more
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Construction of ZIF-67/MIL-88 (Fe, Ni) catalysts as a novel platform for efficient overall water splitting
P Chen, X Duan, G Li, X Qiu, S Wang, Y Huang, A Stavitskaya, H Jiang
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (20), 7170-7180, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Halloysite nanotube vehicles for drug delivery through a model blood–brain barrier
M Saleh, N Prajapati, A Karan, N Rahman, A Stavitskaya, M DeCoster, ...
Clays and Clay Minerals 69 (5), 603-611, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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Formation of metal clusters in halloysite clay nanotubes
VA Vinokurov, AV Stavitskaya, YA Chudakov, EV Ivanov, LK Shrestha, ...
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 18 (1), 147-151, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Stabilized dye–pigment formulations with platy and tubular nanoclays
B Micó‐Vicent, FM Martínez‐Verdú, A Novikov, A Stavitskaya, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (27), 1703553, 2018
Mandates: Government of Spain
Rapid and controlled in situ growth of noble metal nanostructures within halloysite clay nanotubes
T Rostamzadeh, MS Islam Khan, K Riche’, YM Lvov, AV Stavitskaya, ...
Langmuir 33 (45), 13051-13059, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Development of marine antifouling epoxy coating enhanced with clay nanotubes
Y Fu, W Wang, L Zhang, V Vinokurov, A Stavitskaya, Y Lvov
Materials 12 (24), 4195, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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