문용재 Yong-Jae Moon
문용재 Yong-Jae Moon
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Propagation of interplanetary coronal mass ejections: The drag-based model
B Vršnak, T Žic, D Vrbanec, M Temmer, T Rollett, C Möstl, A Veronig, ...
Solar physics 285, 295-315, 2013
An Overview of Existing Algorithms for Resolving the 180° Ambiguity in Vector Magnetic Fields: Quantitative Tests with Synthetic Data
TR Metcalf, KD Leka, G Barnes, BW Lites, MK Georgoulis, AA Pevtsov, ...
Solar Physics 237, 267-296, 2006
A statistical study of two classes of coronal mass ejections
YJ Moon, GS Choe, H Wang, YD Park, N Gopalswamy, G Yang, S Yashiro
The Astrophysical Journal 581 (1), 694, 2002
Active-region monitoring and flare forecasting–i. data processing and first results
PT Gallagher, YJ Moon, H Wang
Solar Physics 209, 171-183, 2002
Observations of the failed eruption of a filament
H Ji, H Wang, EJ Schmahl, YJ Moon, Y Jiang
The Astrophysical Journal 595 (2), L135, 2003
Rapid changes of magnetic fields associated with six X-class flares
H Wang, TJ Spirock, J Qiu, H Ji, V Yurchyshyn, YJ Moon, C Denker, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 576 (1), 497, 2002
Flare activity and magnetic helicity injection by photospheric horizontal motions
YJ Moon, J Chae, GS Choe, H Wang, YD Park, HS Yun, V Yurchyshyn, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 574 (2), 1066, 2002
Impulsive variations of the magnetic helicity change rate associated with eruptive flares
YJ Moon, J Chae, H Wang, GS Choe, YD Park
The Astrophysical Journal 580 (1), 528, 2002
Application of the deep convolutional neural network to the forecast of solar flare occurrence using full-disk solar magnetograms
E Park, YJ Moon, S Shin, K Yi, D Lim, H Lee, G Shin
The Astrophysical Journal 869 (2), 91, 2018
Solar farside magnetograms from deep learning analysis of STEREO/EUVI data
T Kim, E Park, H Lee, YJ Moon, SH Bae, D Lim, S Jang, L Kim, IH Cho, ...
Nature Astronomy 3 (5), 397-400, 2019
Magnetic field strength in the solar corona from type II band splitting
KS Cho, J Lee, DE Gary, YJ Moon, YD Park
The Astrophysical Journal 665 (1), 799, 2007
Forecast evaluation of the coronal mass ejection (CME) geoeffectiveness using halo CMEs from 1997 to 2003
RS Kim, KS Cho, YJ Moon, YH Kim, Y Yi, M Dryer, SC Bong, YD Park
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A11), 2005
Determination of magnetic helicity content of solar active regions from SOHO/MDI magnetograms
J Chae, YJ Moon, YD Park
Solar Physics 223, 39-55, 2004
Statistical evidence for sympathetic flares
YJ Moon, GS Choe, YD Park, H Wang, PT Gallagher, J Chae, HS Yun, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 574 (1), 434, 2002
Low coronal observations of metric type II associated CMEs by MLSO coronameters
KS Cho, SC Bong, YH Kim, YJ Moon, M Dryer, A Shanmugaraju, J Lee, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 491 (3), 873-882, 2008
A study of CME and type II shock kinematics based on coronal density measurement
KS Cho, J Lee, YJ Moon, M Dryer, SC Bong, YH Kim, YD Park
Astronomy & Astrophysics 461 (3), 1121-1125, 2007
Force-freeness of solar magnetic fields in the photosphere
YJ Moon, GS Choe, HS Yun, YD Park, DL Mickey
The Astrophysical Journal 568 (1), 422, 2002
Magnetic reconnection during the two-phase evolution of a solar eruptive flare
B Joshi, A Veronig, KS Cho, SC Bong, BV Somov, YJ Moon, J Lee, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 706 (2), 1438, 2009
On the kinematic evolution of flare-associated CMEs
A Shanmugaraju, YJ Moon, M Dryer, S Umapathy
Solar Physics 215 (1), 185-201, 2003
Solar flare occurrence rate and probability in terms of the sunspot classification supplemented with sunspot area and its changes
K Lee, YJ Moon, JY Lee, KS Lee, H Na
Solar Physics 281, 639-650, 2012
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