Ariane Abou Chakra
Ariane Abou Chakra
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A micromechanical model of elastoplastic and damage behavior of a cohesive geomaterial
AAC Guéry, F Cormery, JF Shao, D Kondo
International Journal of Solids and structures 45 (5), 1406-1429, 2008
A comparative micromechanical analysis of the effective properties of a geomaterial: Effect of mineralogical compositions
AAC Guéry, F Cormery, JF Shao, D Kondo
Computers and Geotechnics 37 (5), 585-593, 2010
Prediction of modulus of elasticity based on micromechanics theory and application to low-strength mortars
F Duplan, A Abou-Chakra, A Turatsinze, G Escadeillas, S Brule, F Masse
Construction and Building Materials 50, 437-447, 2014
A multiscale modeling of damage and time‐dependent behavior of cohesive rocks
A Abou‐Chakra Guéry, F Cormery, JF Shao, D Kondo
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2009
Dissolution-precipitation-driven upward migration of a salt crust
G Licsandru, C Noiriel, P Duru, S Geoffroy, A Abou Chakra, M Prat
Physical Review E 100 (3), 032802, 2019
A micromechanical model for the elasto-viscoplastic and damage behavior of a cohesive geomaterial
AAC Guéry, F Cormery, K Su, JF Shao, D Kondo
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 33, S416-S421, 2008
Multi-scale modeling of time-dependent behavior of claystones with a viscoplastic compressible porous matrix
Y Huang, WQ Shen, JF Shao, AAC Guéry, Y Jia
Mechanics of Materials 79, 25-34, 2014
Incremental variational approach for time dependent deformation in clayey rock
Y Huang, AAC Guéry, JF Shao
International Journal of Plasticity 64, 88-103, 2015
Optimisation de la composition et caractérisation d'un béton incorporant des granulats issus du broyage de pneus usagés.: application aux éléments de grande surface.
A cuong Ho
Toulouse, INSA, 2010
Optimization of mechanical properties in anisotropic bio-based building materials by a multiscale homogenization model
G Huang, A Abou-Chakra, J Absi, S Geoffroy
Journal of Building Engineering 57, 104890, 2022
Locus of first crystals on the evaporative surface of a vertically textured porous medium
B Diouf, S Geoffroy, A Abou Chakra, M Prat
The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 81 (1), 11102, 2018
Application of a micromechanical model to cavity excavation analysis in argillite
AAC Guéry, F Cormery, JF Shao, D Kondo
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46 (5), 905-917, 2009
Multi-scale modeling for inelastic behavior of a cohesive geomaterial
T Jiang, AAC Guéry, D Kondo, JF Shao
Mechanics Research Communications 36 (6), 673-681, 2009
From aggregate to particleboard: A new multi-scale model approach to thermal conductivity in bio-based materials
SR Latapie, M Lagouin, V Sabathier, A Abou-Chakra
Journal of Building Engineering 78, 107664, 2023
Detachment mechanism and reduced evaporation of an evaporative NaCl salt crust
G Licsandru, C Noiriel, S Geoffroy, A Abou-Chakra, P Duru, M Prat
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 7473, 2022
Bibliometric Analysis of Bio-and Earth-Based Building Materials: Current and Future Trends
S Rosa Latapie, A Abou-Chakra, V Sabathier
Construction Materials 3 (4), 474-508, 2023
Rubberised concrete for the design of pavement on soil
AC Ho, A Turatsinze, A Abou-Chakra, DC Vu
International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 3 (2), 101-116, 2012
Contributions à la modélisation micromécanique du comportement non linéaire de l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien
A Abou-Chakra Guéry
Phd, thesis, UniversitT de Lille 1, France, 2007
Contributions à la modélisation micromécanique du comportement non linéaire de l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien
AAC Guéry
Université de Lille1, 2013
Evaporative destabilization of a salt crust with branched pattern formation
G Licsandru, C Noiriel, P Duru, S Geoffroy, A Abou-Chakra, M Prat
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 5132, 2023
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Articles 1–20