Aksenov Sergey
Aksenov Sergey
Kirensky Institute of Physics
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Cited by
Strong Coulomb interactions in the problem of Majorana modes in a wire of the nontrivial topological class BDI
SV Aksenov, AO Zlotnikov, MS Shustin
Physical Review B 101 (12), 125431, 2020
Effects of anisotropy and Coulomb interactions on quantum transport in a quadruple quantum-dot structure
MY Kagan, VV Val'Kov, SV Aksenov
Physical Review B 95 (3), 035411, 2017
Topological superconductivity and Majorana states in low-dimensional systems
MYK V.V. Val’kov, M.S. Shustin, S.V. Aksenov, A.O. Zlotnikov, A.D. Fedoseev ...
Phys. Usp. 65 (1), 2-39, 0
Fano effect in Aharonov–Bohm ring with topologically superconducting bridge
VV Val’kov, MY Kagan, SV Aksenov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (22), 225301, 2019
Coulomb interactions-induced perfect spin-filtering effect in a quadruple quantum-dot cell
MY Kagan, VV Val'kov, SV Aksenov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 15-18, 2017
Electronic spin polarization in the Majorana bound state in one-dimensional wires
VV Val'kov, SV Aksenov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 112-115, 2017
Collapse of the Fano resonance caused by the nonlocality of the Majorana state
SV Aksenov, MY Kagan
JETP Letters 111, 286-292, 2020
Manifestation of Majorana modes overlap in the Aharonov–Bohm effect
SV Aksenov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (25), 255301, 2022
Occurrence of Topologically Nontrivial Phases, Cascade of Quantum Transitions, and Identification of Majorana Modes in Chiral Superconductors and Nanowires (Scientific Summary)
VV Val’kov, VA Mitskan, AO Zlotnikov, MS Shustin, SV Aksenov
JETP Letters 110, 140-153, 2019
Spin-polarized-current switching mediated by Majorana bound states
VV Val’kov, SV Aksenov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 465, 88-92, 2018
Influence of Coulomb Correlations on Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport in a Quadruple Quantum-Dot Structure
MY Kagan, SV Aksenov
JETP Letters 107, 493-499, 2018
Effect of local Coulomb interaction on Majorana corner modes: Weak and strong correlation limits
SV Aksenov, AD Fedoseev, MS Shustin, AO Zlotnikov
Physical Review B 107 (12), 125401, 2023
Non-Markovian master equation for quantum transport of fermionic carriers
DN Maksimov, SV Aksenov, AR Kolovsky
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (4), 045301, 2023
Formation of Droplets of the Order Parameter and Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous Fermi–Bose Mixtures (Brief Review)
MY Kagan, SV Aksenov, AV Turlapov, RS Ikhsanov, KI Kugel, EA Mazur, ...
JETP Letters 117 (10), 755-764, 2023
Probing Majorana bound states through an inhomogeneous Andreev double dot interferometer
SV Aksenov
Physical Review B 107 (8), 085417, 2023
Effects of inelastic spin-dependent electron transport through a spin nanostructure in a magnetic field
VV Val’kov, SV Aksenov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 113, 266-275, 2011
Effect of magnetic field orientation and disorder on Majorana polarization in wires with topological superconductivity
VV Val'kov, SV Aksenov
Low Temperature Physics 43 (4), 437-441, 2017
Inelastic tunnel transport of electrons through an anisotropic magnetic structure in an external magnetic field
VV Val’kov, SV Aksenov, EA Ulanov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 119, 124-137, 2014
Effects of multiple reflection in the process of inelastic electron transport through an anisotropic magnetic atom
VV Val’kov, SV Aksenov, EA Ulanov
JETP letters 98, 403-409, 2013
Spin–orbit coupling-induced effective interactions in superconducting nanowires in the strong correlation regime
AO Zlotnikov, SV Aksenov, MS Shustin
Physics of the Solid State 62, 1612-1618, 2020
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Articles 1–20