Ahmed Adjebli
Ahmed Adjebli
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Phenolic compounds from Citrus leaves: antioxidant activity and enzymatic browning inhibition
B Khettal, N Kadri, K Tighilet, A Adjebli, F Dahmoune, ...
Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine 14 (1), 20160030, 2017
Antiangiogenic activity of neutral lipids, glycolipids, and phospholipids fractions of Pinus halepensis Mill. seeds
N Kadri, B Khettal, A Adjebli, T Cresteil, R Yahiaoui-Zaidi, ...
Industrial crops and products 54, 6-12, 2014
Comparison of Botrytis cinerea Populations Collected from Tomato Greenhouses in Northern Algeria
A Adjebli, C Leyronas, K Aissat, PC Nicot
Journal of Phytopathology 163 (2), 124-132, 2015
Fecal carriage of extended-spectrum β-lactamase and carbapenemase-producing enterobacterales strains in patients with colorectal cancer in the oncology unit of Amizour Hospital …
A Touati, M Talbi, A Mairi, A Messis, A Adjebli, M Louardiane, JP Lavigne
Microbial Drug Resistance 26 (11), 1383-1389, 2020
Stabilization of the urban sludge from sewage plants using carbide lime waste
R Ayeche, A Messis, A Balaska, A Adjebli
Desalination and Water Treatment 80, 100-105, 2017
Time series forecasting cancers cases in Algeria using double exponential smoothing method
Melissa,Talbi, Ahmed, Adjebli, Karim, Tighilet, Mustapha, Louardiane ...
Research Journal of Biotechnology 19 (3), 1-12, 2024
Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique des souches de Botrytis cinerea; agent causal de la pourriture grise sur tomate
A Adjebli
Université Abderrahmane Mira de Béjaïa, 2014
Forecasting daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Algeria using ARIMA models
A Messis, A Adjebli, R Ayeche, AA Djida
Eastern Mediterranean health journal 29 (7), 515-519, 2023
Phenotypic variability of Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis pseudocinerea isolates
Ahmed, Adjebli, Messis, Abdelaziz, Riad, Ayeche, Aissat, Kamel
Research Journal of Biotechnology 17 (3), 20-26, 2022
Actinobacteria from arid habitats: Diversity and antimicrobial potential
Messis, Abdelaziz, Ahmed, Adjebli
Research Journal of Biotechnology 17 (4), 90-96, 2022
Accuracy of ARIMA model in predicting of COVID-19
Adjebli, Ahmed, Messis, Abdelaziz, Ayeche, Riad, Ghidouche, Abderrezak, Ait ...
Algerian Journal of Health Sciences; NUM. HORS SÉRIE, P20, 2021
Phenotypic variability between Botrytis cinerea isolates [Conference poster].
A Adjebli, N Oukala, Y Bouaud, K Aissat
Genetic diversity and inoculum exchange of Botrytis cinerea between tomato greenhouses in northern Algeria
A Adjebli, C Leyronas, K Aissat, PC Nicot
17. International Botrytis Symposium, np, 2016
Caractérisation génotypique et phénotypique des souches de Botrytis cinerea
Université de Béjaia-Abderrahmane Mira, 0
Utilisation du paillage noir en polyéthylène pour réduire les taux d’incidence de B. Cinerea sur les cultures de tomate sous serre.
N Oukala, Y Bouaoud, A Adjebli, K Aissat
Université Frères Mentouri-Constantine 1, 0
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Articles 1–15