Abyaya Dhar
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Cited by
Theoretical model for magnetic supercapacitors—From the electrode material to electrolyte ion dependence
A Chowdhury, A Dhar, S Biswas, V Sharma, PS Burada, A Chandra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (49), 26613-26624, 2020
High performance magnetic pseudocapacitors-Direct correlation between specific capacitance and diffusion coefficients
A Chowdhury, S Biswas, V Sharma, J Halder, A Dhar, B Sundaram, ...
Electrochimica Acta 397, 139252, 2021
Hydrodynamics of active particles confined in a periodically tapered channel
A Dhar, PS Burada, GP Sekhar
Physics of Fluids 32 (10), 2020
Stable Na-ion supercapacitor under non-ambient conditions using maricite-NaMnPO4 nanoparticles
A Chowdhury, S Biswas, A Dhar, PS Burada, A Chandra
Journal of Power Sources 516, 230679, 2021
Magnetisation reversal in Ising ferromagnet by thermal and field gradients
R Datta, M Acharyya, A Dhar
Heliyon 4 (10), 2018
Reversal of magnetisation in Ising ferromagnet by the field having gradient
A Dhar, M Acharyya
Communications in Theoretical Physics 66 (5), 563, 2016
Effective medium model for a suspension of active swimmers
A Dhar, PS Burada, GP Raja Sekhar
Physics of Fluids 33 (9), 2021
Dynamics of a spherical droplet driven by active slip and stress
A Dhar, PS Burada, GPR Sekhar
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 127, 103274, 2020
Self-propulsion of a sticky sphere partially covered with a surface slip velocity
A Dhar, PS Burada, GP Raja Sekhar
Physics of Fluids 31 (11), 2019
Hydrodynamics of an inertial active droplet
A Dhar, PS Burada, GP Raja Sekhar
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 904 (A 28), 2020
Magneto-Electric Supercapacitors
A Chowdhury, S Biswas, A Dhar, J Halder, D Mandal, PS Burada, ...
Handbook of Nanocomposite Supercapacitor Materials IV: Next-Generation …, 2023
Hydrodynamics of Active Swimmers: Modelling and Analysis
A Dhar
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Articles 1–12