Holden Hyer
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Cited by
Microstructure and tensile property of a novel AlZnMgScZr alloy additively manufactured by gas atomization and laser powder bed fusion
L Zhou, H Pan, H Hyer, S Park, Y Bai, B McWilliams, K Cho, Y Sohn
Scripta Materialia 158, 24-28, 2019
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Zr-modified Aluminum Alloy 5083 Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
L Zhou, H Hyer, S Park, H Pan, Y Bai, KP Rice, Y Sohn
Additive Manufacturing, 2019
Additive manufacturing and mechanical properties of the dense and crack free Zr-modified aluminum alloy 6061 fabricated by the laser-powder bed fusion
A Mehta, L Zhou, T Huynh, S Park, H Hyer, S Song, Y Bai, DD Imholte, ...
Additive Manufacturing 41, 101966, 2021
Composition-dependent solidification cracking of aluminum-silicon alloys during laser powder bed fusion
H Hyer, L Zhou, A Mehta, S Park, T Huynh, S Song, Y Bai, K Cho, ...
Acta Materialia 208, 116698, 2021
Additive manufacturing of dense WE43 Mg alloy by laser powder bed fusion
H Hyer, L Zhou, G Benson, B McWilliams, K Cho, Y Sohn
Additive Manufacturing 33, 101123, 2020
Understanding the laser powder bed fusion of AlSi10Mg alloy
H Hyer, L Zhou, S Park, G Gottsfritz, G Benson, B Tolentino, B McWilliams, ...
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 9, 484-502, 2020
Effect of direct aging on the microstructure and tensile properties of AlSi10Mg alloy manufactured by selective laser melting process
TH Park, MS Baek, H Hyer, Y Sohn, KA Lee
Materials Characterization 176, 111113, 2021
Structure-property relationship in high strength and lightweight AlSi10Mg microlattices fabricated by selective laser melting
T Yu, H Hyer, Y Sohn, Y Bai, D Wu
Materials & Design 182, 108062, 2019
Laser powder bed fusion of Al–10 wt% Ce alloys: microstructure and tensile property
L Zhou, T Huynh, S Park, H Hyer, A Mehta, S Song, Y Bai, B McWilliams, ...
Journal of Materials Science 55, 14611-14625, 2020
Design of heterogeneous structured Al alloys with wide processing window for laser-powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
S Thapliyal, S Shukla, L Zhou, H Hyer, P Agrawal, P Agrawal, ...
Additive Manufacturing 42, 102002, 2021
An integrated computational materials engineering-anchored closed-loop method for design of aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing
S Thapliyal, M Komarasamy, S Shukla, L Zhou, H Hyer, S Park, Y Sohn, ...
Materialia, 100574, 2019
Process-dependent composition, microstructure, and printability of Al-Zn-Mg and Al-Zn-Mg-Sc-Zr alloys manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
L Zhou, H Hyer, S Thapliyal, RS Mishra, B McWilliams, K Cho, Y Sohn
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51 (6), 3215-3227, 2020
Process optimization and microstructure analysis to understand laser powder bed fusion of 316L stainless steel
N Diaz Vallejo, C Lucas, N Ayers, K Graydon, H Hyer, Y Sohn
Metals 11 (5), 832, 2021
High strength aluminum-cerium alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion
H Hyer, A Mehta, K Graydon, N Kljestan, M Knezevic, D Weiss, ...
Additive Manufacturing 52, 102657, 2022
Functional fiber-optic sensors embedded in stainless steel components using ultrasonic additive manufacturing for distributed temperature and strain measurements
HC Hyer, DC Sweeney, CM Petrie
Additive Manufacturing 52, 102681, 2022
Microstructure, mechanical performance, and corrosion behavior of additively manufactured aluminum alloy 5083 with 0.7 and 1.0 wt% Zr addition
L Zhou, H Hyer, J Chang, A Mehta, T Huynh, Y Yang, Y Sohn
Materials Science and Engineering: A 823, 141679, 2021
Microstructural development in Inconel 718 nickel-based superalloy additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
T Huynh, A Mehta, K Graydon, J Woo, S Park, H Hyer, L Zhou, DD Imholte, ...
Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 1-20, 2022
High strength WE43 microlattice structures additively manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
H Hyer, L Zhou, Q Liu, D Wu, S Song, Y Bai, B McWilliams, K Cho, Y Sohn
Materialia 16, 101067, 2021
Effect of powder layer thickness on the microstructural development of additively manufactured SS316
HC Hyer, CM Petrie
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 76, 666-674, 2022
Elimination of extraordinarily high cracking susceptibility of aluminum alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion
H Hyer, L Zhou, S Park, T Huynh, A Mehta, S Thapliyal, RS Mishra, ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 103, 50-58, 2022
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Articles 1–20