Eid Gul
Eid Gul
Northern Illinois University USA
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Cited by
A techno-economic analysis of a solar PV and DC battery storage system for a community energy sharing
E Gul, G Baldinelli, P Bartocci, F Bianchi, D Piergiovanni, F Cotana, ...
Energy 244, 123191, 2022
An improved mixed integer linear programming approach based on symmetry diminishing for unit commitment of hybrid power system
B Fu, C Ouyang, C Li, J Wang, E Gul
Energies 12 (5), 833, 2019
Production and use of biochar from lignin and lignin-rich residues (such as digestate and olive stones) for wastewater treatment
E Gul, KAB Alrawashdeh, O Masek, Ø Skreiberg, A Corona, M Zampilli, ...
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 158, 105263, 2021
Transition toward net zero emissions-Integration and optimization of renewable energy sources: Solar, hydro, and biomass with the local grid station in central Italy
E Gul, G Baldinelli, P Bartocci, T Shamim, P Domenighini, F Cotana, ...
Renewable Energy 207, 672-686, 2023
Effect of heavy metals in the performance of anaerobic digestion of olive mill waste
KA Alrawashdeh, E Gul, Q Yang, H Yang, P Bartocci, F Fantozzi
Processes 8 (9), 1146, 2020
Decarbonizing university campuses through the production of biogas from food waste: An LCA analysis
H Zhou, Q Yang, E Gul, M Shi, J Li, M Yang, H Yang, B Chen, H Zhao, ...
Renewable Energy 176, 565-578, 2021
Substitution of coke with pelletized biocarbon in the European and Chinese steel industries: An LCA analysis
E Gul, L Riva, HK Nielsen, H Yang, H Zhou, Q Yang, Ø Skreiberg, L Wang, ...
Applied Energy 304, 117644, 2021
AEM-electrolyzer based hydrogen integrated renewable energy system optimisation model for distributed communities
E Gul, G Baldinelli, A Farooqui, P Bartocci, T Shamim
Energy Conversion and Management 285, 117025, 2023
Biomethanation potential (BMP) study of mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion of abundant bio-wastes in southern regions of Tunisia
M Mouftahi, N Tlili, N Hidouri, P Bartocci, KAB Alrawashdeh, E Gul, ...
Processes 9 (1), 48, 2020
A Round Robin Test on the dynamic simulation and the LEED protocol evaluation of a green building
F Asdrubali, C Guattari, M Roncone, G Baldinelli, E Gul, C Piselli, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 78, 103654, 2022
Energy transition: renewable energy-based combined heat and power optimization model for distributed communities
E Gul, G Baldinelli, P Bartocci
Energies 15 (18), 6740, 2022
Impact of Iron oxide nanoparticles on sustainable production of biogas through anaerobic co-digestion of chicken waste and wastewater
K Al Bkoor Alrawashdeh, KK Al-Zboon, SA Rabadi, E Gul, ...
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 4, 974546, 2022
Performance of dual multistage flashing-recycled brine and solar power plant, in the framework of the water-energy nexus
K Al bkoor Alrawashdeh, KK Al-Zboon, R Momani, T Momani, E Gul, ...
Energy Nexus 5, 100046, 2022
An improved mixed integer linear programming approach based on symmetry diminishing for unit commitment of hybrid power system. Energies. 2019; 12 (5): 833
B Fu, CX Ouyang, CS Li, J Wang, E Gul
Prediction and optimization of biogas production from OMW digestion using fenton pre-treatment process with particle swarm optimization
KAB Alrawashdeh, E Gul, ...
Int. J.. Des. Nat. Ecodyn 17 (2), 157-168, 2022
Operation rules optimization of cascade reservoirs based on multi-objective tangent algorithm
J Li, H Qin, Z Zhang, L Yao, E Gul, Z Jiang, Y Wang, L Mo, S Pei, L Zhu
IEEE Access 7, 161949-161962, 2019
Multi-Objective Short-Term Integration of Hydrothermal Operation with Wind and Solar Power using Nonlinear Programming.
E Gul, C Kang, J Wang
Energy Procedia 158, 6274-6281, 2019
Investigation of the influence of dimensions and material of the pipes on the water hammer effect in microbial fuel cells wastewater treatment plants
KAB Alrawashdeh, A La'aly, A Al-Bsoul, AE Abdullah, A Lymoon, E Gul, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 44, 100990, 2021
Perspectives and state of the art in producing solar fuels and chemicals from CO2
E Gul, PE Campana, A Chandrasekaran, S Subbiah, H Yang, Q Yang, ...
Advanced Technology for the Conversion of Waste into Fuels and Chemicals …, 2021
Energy transition: renewable energy-based combined heat and power optimization model for distributed communities. Energies 2022; 15: 6740
E Gul, G Baldinelli, P Bartocci
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Articles 1–20