Adel Elsharkawy
Adel Elsharkawy
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Analytical and numerical solution of oil recovery from fractured reservoirs with empirical transfer functions
H Kazemi, JR Gilman, AM Elsharkawy
SPE reservoir engineering 7 (02), 219-227, 1992
Predicting PVT data for CO2–brine mixtures for black-oil simulation of CO2 geological storage
H Hassanzadeh, M Pooladi-Darvish, AM Elsharkawy, DW Keith, ...
international journal of greenhouse gas control 2 (1), 65-77, 2008
Neural network model for estimating the PVT properties of Middle East crude oils
R BC Gharbi, AM Elsharkawy
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 2 (03), 255-265, 1999
Wax deposition from Middle East crudes
AM Elsharkawy, TA Al-Sahhaf, MA Fahim
Fuel 79 (9), 1047-1055, 2000
Measuring CO2 Minimum Miscibility Pressures:  Slim-Tube or Rising-Bubble Method?
AM Elsharkawy, FH Poettmann, RL Christiansen
Energy & fuels 10 (2), 443-449, 1996
Measuring minimum miscibility pressure: slim-tube or rising-bubble method?
AM Elsharkawy, FH Poettmann, RL Christiansen
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference?, SPE-24114-MS, 1992
Models for predicting the viscosity of Middle East crude oils
AM Elsharkawy, AA Alikhan
Fuel 78 (8), 891-903, 1999
Universal neural-network-based model for estimating the PVT properties of crude oil systems
RB Gharbi, AM Elsharkawy, M Karkoub
Energy & fuels 13 (2), 454-458, 1999
Efficient methods for calculations of compressibility, density and viscosity of natural gases
AM Elsharkawy
Fluid Phase Equilibria 218 (1), 1-13, 2004
Modeling the properties of crude oil and gas systems using RBF network
AM Elsharkawy
SPE Asia Pacific oil and gas conference and exhibition, SPE-49961-MS, 1998
Predicting the dew point pressure for gas condensate reservoirs: empirical models and equations of state
AM Elsharkawy
Fluid phase equilibria 193 (1-2), 147-165, 2002
Correlations for predicting solution gas/oil ratio, oil formation volume factor, and undersaturated oil compressibility
AM Elsharkawy, AA Alikhan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 17 (3-4), 291-302, 1997
A viscosity prediction model for Kuwaiti heavy crude oils at elevated temperatures
O Alomair, A Elsharkawy, H Alkandari
Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering 120, 102-110, 2014
An empirical model for estimating the saturation pressures of crude oils
AM Elsharkawy
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 38 (1-2), 57-77, 2003
Compressibility factor for gas condensates
AM Elsharkawy, YSKS Hashem, AA Alikhan
SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, SPE-59702-MS, 2000
Stability of water-in-crude oil emulsions: effect of oil aromaticity, resins to asphaltene ratio, and pH of water
T Al-Sahhaf, A Elsharkawy, M Fahim
Petroleum Science and Technology 26 (17), 2009-2022, 2008
Assessment of the PVT correlations for predicting the properties of Kuwaiti crude oils
AM Elsharkawy, AA Elgibaly, AA Alikhan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 13 (3-4), 219-232, 1995
Planning miscibility tests and gas injection projects for four major Kuwaiti reservoirs
M Al-Ajmi, O Alomair, A Elsharkawy
SPE Kuwait international petroleum conference and exhibition, SPE-127537-MS, 2009
EOS simulation and GRNN modeling of the constant volume depletion behavior of gas condensate reservoirs
AM Elsharkawy, SG Foda
Energy & Fuels 12 (2), 353-364, 1998
New compositional models for calculating the viscosity of crude oils
AM Elsharkawy, SA Hassan, YSK Hashim, MA Fahim
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 42 (17), 4132-4142, 2003
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