Gang Xiong
Gang Xiong
Lead Research Scientist, FM Global
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Novel low-intensity phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of TiO 2 nanoparticle aerosols during flame synthesis
Y Zhang, G Xiong, S Li, Z Dong, SG Buckley, SD Tse
Combustion and Flame 160 (3), 725-733, 2013
Temperature measurement of a turbulent buoyant ethylene diffusion flame using a dual-thermocouple technique
X Ren, D Zeng, Y Wang, G Xiong, G Agarwal, M Gollner
Fire safety journal 120, 103061, 2021
Phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of metal-oxide nanoparticle aerosols with secondary resonant excitation during flame synthesis
G Xiong, S Li, Y Zhang, SG Buckley, SD Tse
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 31, 482-491, 2016
Laser induced incandescence measurement of soot in ethylene buoyant turbulent diffusion flames under normal and reduced oxygen concentrations
G Xiong, D Zeng, PP Panda, Y Wang
Combustion and Flame 230, 111456, 2021
Tuning excitation laser wavelength for secondary resonance in low-intensity phase-selective laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for in-situ analytical measurement of nanoaerosols
G Xiong, S Li, SD Tse
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 140, 13-21, 2018
Molecular dynamics study of cubic boron nitride nanoparticles: decomposition with phase segregation during melting
HF Lee, K Esfarjani, Z Dong, G Xiong, AA Pelegri, SD Tse
ACS nano 10 (11), 10563-10572, 2016
Electric-field-assisted stagnation-swirl-flame synthesis of porous nanostructured titanium-dioxide films
G Xiong, A Kulkarni, Z Dong, S Li, SD Tse
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 1065-1075, 2017
Influence of potassium on ash deposition during sawdust combustion
X Xiaoguang, L Shuiqing, X Gang
Proceedings of the CSEE 29 (23), 61-67, 2009
Experimental study of flame heat transfer in a vertical turbulent wall fire
D Zeng, G Xiong, G Agarwal, Y Wang
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (3), 4477-4484, 2021
Open-atmosphere flame synthesis of monolayer graphene
H Hong, G Xiong, Z Dong, BH Kear, DT Stephen
Carbon 182, 307-315, 2021
Binary collision of a burning droplet and a non-burning droplet of xylene: Outcome regimes and flame dynamics
G Xiong, R Gandhi, X Zhong, L Mädler, DT Stephen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (3), 3345-3352, 2019
煤和生物质燃烧碳烟生成的实验研究(Experimental Study of Soot Formation During the Combustion of Coal and Biomass)
熊刚 (Gang Xiong)
清华大学, 2011
Effect of oxygen concentration on the velocity in buoyant turbulent diffusion flames
G Xiong, D Zeng, Y Wang
Fire Safety Journal 140, 103903, 2023
On the burning behavior of thermoplastics at large scale: Uncartoned unexpanded plastic commodity
G Xiong, D Zeng, A Krisman, Y Wang
Fire Safety Journal 120, 103089, 2021
熊刚, 李水清, 宋蔷, 姚强
工程热物理学报 32 (11), 1965-1968, 2011
Computational Simulation of Spherical Diffusion Flame Dynamics and Extinction in Microgravity
T Xia, G Xiong, SD Tse, CK Law
30th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space …, 2014
挥发分喷射对碳烟生成和火焰辐射的影响 (Effects of ejection on soot formation and flame radiation)
熊刚 (Gang Xiong), 姚强, 宋蔷, 李水清
燃烧科学与技术 18 (2), 104-110, 2012
Experimental Study of Soot Formation during the Combustion of a Bituminous Coal.
G Xiong, Q Song, SQ Li, Q Yao
Eighth Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Hyderabad, India, 2010
Experimental study of cake detachment in cake filtration and electrostatic enhanced cake filtration
H Xu, G Xiong, Q Yao
Proceedings of 10th World Filtration Congress 3, 77-81, 2008
Molecular Emissions from Stretched Excitation Pulse in Nanosecond Phase-Selective Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of TiO2 Nanoaerosols
G Xiong, Y Zhang, C Schulz, SD Tse
Applied Spectroscopy 76 (5), 569-579, 2022
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Articles 1–20