Other namesBarua A., A Barua
PhD Scholar | Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
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Cited by
Estimating the parameters of susceptible-infected-recovered model of COVID-19 cases in India during lockdown periods
DK Bagal, A Rath, A Barua, D Patnaik
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 140, 110154, 2020
Parametric optimization of parameters affecting dimension precision of FDM printed part using hybrid Taguchi-MARCOS-nature inspired heuristic optimization technique
A Mohanty, KS Nag, DK Bagal, A Barua, S Jeet, SS Mahapatra, H Cherkia
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 893-903, 2021
Evaluation of Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Nano SiC Particles Composite using Hybrid Taguchi-Cocoso Method
A Barua, S Jeet, DK Bagal, P Satapathy, PK Agrawal
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering 8 …, 2019
Parametric optimization of plastic injection moulding for FMCG polymer moulding (PMMA) using hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS-Ant Lion optimization algorithm
B Ravikiran, DK Pradhan, S Jeet, DK Bagal, A Barua, S Nayak
Materials Today: Proceedings 56 (Part 5), 2411-2420, 2021
Experimental study of a portable plasma arc cutting system using hybrid RSM-nature inspired optimization technique
SR Mangaraj, DK Bagal, N Parhi, SN Panda, A Barua, S Jeet
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 867-878, 2021
MCDM Optimization of Characteristics in Resistance Spot Welding for Dissimilar Materials Utilizing Advanced Hybrid Taguchi Method-Coupled CoCoSo, EDAS and WASPAS Method
DK Bagal, A Giri, AK Pattanaik, S Jeet, A Barua, SN Panda
Next Generation Materials and Processing Technologies, 475-490, 2021
MCDM Optimization of Parameters for Wire-EDM Machined Stainless Steel using Hybrid RSM-TOPSIS, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
DK Bagal, A Barua, S Jeet, P Satapathy, D Patnaik
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 9 (1), 366-371, 2019
Fabrication and Strength Analysis of Hybrid Jute-Glass-Silk Fiber Polymer Composites Based on Hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS Method
B Naik, S Paul, A Barua, S Jeet, DK Bagal
International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering 9 (4), 3472-3479, 2019
Multi-Objective Optimization of Welding Parameters in GMAW for Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Steel Using Hybrid RSM-TOPSIS-GA-SA Approach
S Jeet, A Barua, B Parida, BB Sahoo, DK Bagal
International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering …, 2018
Parametric optimization of CNC-drilling of Inconel 718 with cryogenically treated drill-bit using Taguchi-Whale optimization algorithm
AK Sahoo, S Jeet, DK Bagal, A Barua, AK Pattanaik, N Behera
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 1591-1598, 2021
Application of progressive hybrid RSM-WASPAS-grey wolf method for parametric optimization of dissimilar metal welded joints in FSSW process
DK Pradhan, B Sahu, DK Bagal, A Barua, S Jeet, S Pradhan
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 766-772, 2021
Performance Analysis of M40 Grade Concrete by Partial Replacement of Portland Pozzolana Cement with Marble Powder and Fly Ash Using Taguchi-EDAS Method
B Naik, S Paul, SP Mishra, SP Rout, A Barua, DK Bagal
JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations 6 (VI), 733-743, 2019
Comparative Investigation Based on MOORA, GRA and TOPSIS Method of Turning of Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steel under the influence of Low Cost Oil Mist Lubrication System
S Jeet, A Barua, H Cherkia, DK Bagal
National Conference on Advanced Materials and their Applications-2019 14 (13 …, 2019
Comparative Evaluation and Optimization of 4-Cylinder CI Engine Camshaft Material Using Finite Element Analysis: A Hybrid MOORA Technique and Taguchi based Desirability …
A Barua, S Jeet, B Parida, A Samantray, DK Bagal
International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering …, 2018
Comparative evaluation for studying the parametric influences on quality of electrode using Taguchi method coupled with MOORA, DFA, and TOPSIS method for electrochemical machining
SN Panda, DK Bagal, AK Pattanaik, D Patnaik, A Barua, S Jeet, B Parida, ...
Recent Advances in Mechanical Infrastructure. Lecture Notes in Intelligent …, 2019
Parametric Optimization of FDM Processed Part for Improving Surface Finish Using MOORA Technique and Desirability Function Analysis
A Barua, S Jeet, H Cherkia, DK Bagal, BB Sahoo
National Conference on Advanced Materials and their Applications-2019 14 (13 …, 2019
Virtual Optimization of Motorcycle Sprocket Material by Using FEA and Taguchi Coupled TOPSIS-GA-SA
A Barua, S Jeet, B Parida, BB Sahoo, DK Bagal, A Samantray
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management 3 (9 …, 2018
Fabrication and mechanical characterization of red mud based Al2025-T6 MMC using Lichtenberg optimization algorithm and Whale optimization algorithm
M Challan, S Jeet, DK Bagal, L Mishra, AK Pattanaik, A Barua
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 1346-1353, 2021
Parametric appraisal of strength & hardness of resin compacted sand castings using hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS-Material Generation Algorithm
NC Behera, S Jeet, CK Nayak, DK Bagal, SN Panda, A Barua
Materials Today: Proceedings 50 (Part 5), 1226-1233, 2021
Fabrication and Mechanical Characterization of Jute-Glass-Silk Fiber Polymer Composites Based on Hybrid RSM-GRA-FIS and RSM-TOPSIS Approach
B Parida, A Barua, S Jeet, DK Bagal
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management …, 2018
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Articles 1–20