Lucila Peralta Gavensky
Lucila Peralta Gavensky
Postdoctoral fellow at Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
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Cited by
Topological phase diagram of a three-terminal Josephson junction: From the conventional to the Majorana regime
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 100 (1), 014514, 2019
Connecting the many-body Chern number to Luttinger’s theorem through Středa’s formula
L Peralta Gavensky, S Sachdev, N Goldman
Physical review letters 131 (23), 236601, 2023
Berry curvature tomography and realization of topological Haldane model in driven three-terminal Josephson junctions
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, D Feinberg, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 97 (22), 220505(R), 2018
Multi-terminal Josephson junctions: A road to topological flux networks
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Europhysics Letters, 2023
Time-resolved Hall conductivity of pulse-driven topological quantum systems
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 98 (16), 165414, 2018
Photo-electrons unveil topological transitions in graphene-like systems
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 36577, 2016
Floquet-Engineered Nonlinearities and Controllable Pair-Hopping Processes: From Optical Kerr Cavities to Correlated Quantum Matter
N Goldman, OK Diessel, L Barbiero, M Prüfer, M Di Liberto, ...
PRX Quantum 4 (4), 040327, 2023
Majorana fermions on the quantum Hall edge
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review Research 2, 033218, 2020
A quantitative experiment on the fountain effect in superfluid helium
ML Amigó, T Herrera, L Neñer, LP Gavensky, F Turco, J Luzuriaga
European Journal of Physics 38 (5), 055103, 2017
Nonequilibrium edge transport in quantum Hall based Josephson junctions
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 103 (2), 024527, 2021
Imaging chiral Andreev reflection in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling
L Peralta Gavensky, G Usaj, CA Balseiro
Physical Review B 104 (11), 115435, 2021
Quantized valley Hall response from local bulk density variations
M Jamotte, L Peralta Gavensky, C Morais Smith, M Di Liberto, N Goldman
Communications Physics 6 (1), 264, 2023
The Streda Formula for Floquet Systems: Topological Invariants and Quantized Anomalies from Cesaro Summation
LP Gavensky, G Usaj, N Goldman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.13576, 2024
Dynamic Realization of Majorana Zero Modes in a Particle-Conserving Ladder
A Defossez, L Vanderstraeten, LP Gavensky, N Goldman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.14886, 2024
Quantum transport in hybrid superconducting devices with topological properties
L Peralta Gavensky
PhD Thesis, Instituto Balseiro - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2022
Pump-probe spectroscopy techniques applied to the study of Floquet topological insulators
L Peralta Gavensky
Master thesis - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto Balseiro, 2016
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