Helen Moshkovich
Helen Moshkovich
Professor of Business, University of Montevallo
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Verbal decision analysis for unstructured problems
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
ZAPROS-LM—a method and system for ordering multiattribute alternatives
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich
European Journal of Operational Research 82 (3), 503-521, 1995
Consistency and accuracy in decision aids: Experiments with four multiattribute systems
DL Olson, HM Moshkovich, R Schellenberger, AI Mechitov
Decision Sciences 26 (6), 723-747, 1995
Ordinal judgments in multiattribute decision analysis
HM Moshkovich, AI Mechitov, DL Olson
European Journal of Operational Research 137 (3), 625-641, 2002
An approach to ordinal classification problems
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich
International Transactions in Operational Research 1 (3), 375-385, 1994
Numerical vs cardinal measurements in multiattribute decision making: how exact is enough?
OI Larichev, DL Olson, HM Moshkovich, AJ Mechitov
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 64 (1), 9-21, 1995
Limits to decision-making ability in direct multiattribute alternative evaluation
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 42 (2), 217-233, 1988
Rule induction in data mining: effect of ordinal scales
HM Moshkovich, AI Mechitov, DL Olson
Expert Systems with Applications 22 (4), 303-311, 2002
Verbal decision analysis
H Moshkovich, A Mechitov, D Olson
Multiple criteria decision analysis: state of the art surveys, 609-633, 2005
Comparative analysis of academic web sites.
AI Mechitov, HM Moshkovich, SH Underwood, RG Taylor
Education 121 (4), 2001
Choice Behaviour in a Computer‐Aided Multiattribute Decision Task
P Korhonen, O Alexander, A Mechitov, H Moshkovich, J Wallenius
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 6 (4), 233-246, 1997
Marketing decisions in small businesses: how verbal decision analysis can help
LFAM Gomes, H Moshkovich, A Torres
International Journal of Management and Decision Making 11 (1), 19-36, 2010
Data influences the result more than preferences: Some lessons from implementation of multiattribute techniques in a real decision task
HM Moshkovich, RE Schellenberger, DL Olson
Decision Support Systems 22 (1), 73-84, 1998
Verbal Decision Analysis: Foundations and Trends.
HM Moshkovich, AI Mechitov
Advances in Decision Sciences 2013, 2013
An integrated multicriteria decision-making approach to reale state evaluation: case of the todim method
HM Moshkovich, LFAM Gomes, AI Mechitov
Pesquisa Operacional 31, 03-20, 2011
Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich, AI Mechitov, DL Olson
Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 2 (1), 5-26, 1993
Knowledge acquisition for the construction of the full and contradiction free knowledge bases
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich, EM Furems, AI Mechitov, VK Morgoev
Iec ProGAMMA, Groningen, 1991
Systematic research into human behavior in multiattribute object classification problems
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich, SB Rebrik
Acta Psychologica 68 (1-3), 171-182, 1988
Knowledge acquisition tool for case-based reasoning s ystems
AI Mechitov, HM Moshkovich, DL Olson, B Killingsworth
Expert systems with applications 9 (2), 201-212, 1995
Zapros: a method and system for ordering multiattribute alternatives on the base of a decision-maker’s preferences
OI Larichev, HM Moshkovich
All-Union Research Institute for Systems Studies, Moscow, 1991
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Articles 1–20