Jayanta Mondal
Cited by
Cited by
The dropper effect: Insights into malware distribution with downloader graph analytics
BJ Kwon, J Mondal, J Jang, L Bilge, T Dumitraş
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2015
Managing large dynamic graphs efficiently
J Mondal, A Deshpande
Proceedings of the 2012 international conference on Management of Data, 145-156, 2012
EAGr: Supporting Continuous Ego-centric Aggregate Queries over Large Dynamic Graphs
J Mondal, A Deshpande
Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Management of Data, 1335 …, 2014
Translating functional graph traversal language to extended structured query language
L Chen, T Moscibroda, SK Thota, J Mondal, AI Predescu, OD Towers
US Patent App. 16/964,085, 2021
Casqd: continuous detection of activity-based subgraph pattern queries on dynamic graphs
J Mondal, A Deshpande
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and …, 2016
Stream Querying and Reasoning on Social Data
J Mondal, A Deshpande
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2018), 2018
Stream Querying and Reasoning on Social Data
J Mondal, A Deshpande
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2014), 2063-2075, 2014
Partitioning advisor for online transaction processing workloads
S Das, J Mondal
US Patent 10,191,947, 2019
Real-time analytics on large dynamic graphs
J Mondal
University of Maryland, College Park, 2015
Unified data organization for multi-model distributed databases
K Raman, MM Al-Ghosien, S Boshra, B Chong, M Gajendran, ...
US Patent 10,970,270, 2021
Unified data organization for multi-model distributed databases
K Raman, MM Al-Ghosien, S Boshra, B Chong, M Gajendran, ...
US Patent 10,970,270, 2021
Jayanta Mondal
J Mondal
An introduction to Stream Data Management on Large Information Networks
J Mondal
Scholarly Paper, University of Maryland, College Park, 2012
Unified data organization for multi-model distributed databases
Graph Partitioning using Parallel Clustering for Improving Performance of Distributed Databases Project Report
A Quamar, J Mondal, E Elsaka
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Articles 1–15