Huafeng Liu
Huafeng Liu
Research Geophysicist, Chevron
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Cited by
Crustal structure and deformation of the SE Tibetan plateau revealed by receiver function data
Y Sun, F Niu, H Liu, Y Chen, J Liu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 349, 186-197, 2012
Estimating crustal seismic anisotropy with a joint analysis of radial and transverse receiver function data
H Liu, F Niu
Geophysical Journal International 188 (1), 144-164, 2012
An explicit time evolution method for acoustic wave propagation
H Liu, N Dai, F Niu, W Wu
Geophysics 79 (3), T117-T124, 2014
Receiver function study of the crustal structure of Northeast China: Seismic evidence for a mantle upwelling beneath the eastern flank of the Songliao Basin and the …
H Liu, F Niu
Earthquake Science 24, 27-33, 2011
Solutions to numerical dispersion error of time FD in RTM
N Dai*, W Wu, H Liu
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2014, 4027-4031, 2014
A depth uncertainty estimation system with prestack seismic data
H Liu, AH Shabelansky, J Chen, M Yang, CJ Hoelting, Y Tan
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D011S179R002, 2022
Beam tomography for subsurface model building and imaging
H Liu, RN Hill, K Osypov
81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 2019 (1), 1-5, 2019
A stochastic modeling method of seismic velocity and anisotropy parameters in VTI medium using travel time detectability criterion
AH Shabelansky, H Liu, CJ Hoelting, M Yang, J Chen
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 3349-3353, 2022
Glioblastoma Tumor Segmentation using an Ensemble of Vision Transformers
H Liu, B Dowdell, T Engelder, Z Pulmano, N Osa, A Barman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.11467, 2023
An explicit time evolution method for wave propagation
N Dai*, W Wu, H Liu
Beijing 2014 International Geophysical Conference & Exposition, Beijing …, 2014
New methodology for correcting compaction and permeability curves used in basin/evolutionary geomechanical models with guided-tomography based on Null Space Shuttle
M Kacewicz, H Liu
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2018-2997185, 2018
Receiver Function Analysis and Acoustic Waveform Modeling for Imaging Earth's Crust: New Techniques and Their Applications
H Liu
Rice University, 2013
Major strike-slip fault systems in China revealed by crustal seismic anisotropy map
H Liu, F Niu, Y Gao
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, T33D-2689, 2012
Toward developing a 3D anisotropic seismic velocity model beneath the SE Tibetan and surrounding regions with receiver function data
Y Sun, F Niu, H Liu, XJ Liu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S31E-2280, 2011
Receiver Function Study of the Upper Mantle Discontinuities beneath Northeast China: Evidence for Local Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Songliao Basin
K Tao, YJ Chen, H Liu, F Niu, J Ning, SP Grand, H Kawakatsu, S Tanaka, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, S31E-2293, 2011
Receiver Function Imaging of Dipping Structures-Technique and Applications
H Liu, F Niu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, S13A-1984, 2010
Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath Northeast China Revealed from Receiver Function Analysis of Regional Seismic Networks
H Liu, F Niu, B Wang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, T11B-1792, 2009
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Articles 1–17