Chandrajit Pal
Chandrajit Pal
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK
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A brief survey of recent edge-preserving smoothing algorithms on digital images
C Pal, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.07297, 2015
Rician noise removal in magnitude MRI images using efficient anisotropic diffusion filtering
C Pal, P Das, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 27 (3), 248–264, 2017
Design of an FPGA based intelligence traffic light controller with VHDL
S Nath, C Pal, S Sau, S Mukherjee, A Roy, A Guchhait, D Kandar
2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC …, 2012
Deep neural network for automated simultaneous intervertebral disc (IVDs) identification and segmentation of multi-modal MR images
P Das, C Pal, A Acharyya, A Chakrabarti, S Basu
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 205, 106074, 2021
An efficient FPGA implementation of optimized anisotropic diffusion filtering of images
C Pal, A Kotal, A Samanta, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2016 (1), 3020473, 2016
Shape and positional anisotropy based area efficient magnetic quantum-dot cellular automata design methodology for full adder implementation
S Sivasubramani, V Mattela, C Pal, MS Islam, A Acharyya
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 17 (6), 1303-1307, 2018
Dipole coupled magnetic quantum-dot cellular automata-based efficient approximate nanomagnetic subtractor and adder design approach
S Sivasubramani, V Mattela, C Pal, A Acharyya
Nanotechnology 31 (2), 025202, 2019
Modified Huffman based compression methodology for deep neural network implementation on resource constrained mobile platforms
C Pal, S Pankaj, W Akram, A Acharyya, D Biswas
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5, 2018
Nanomagnetic logic design approach for area and speed efficient adder using ferromagnetically coupled fixed input majority gate
S Sivasubramani, V Mattela, C Pal, A Acharyya
Nanotechnology 30 (37), 37LT02, 2019
Adaptive denoising of 3D volumetric MR images using local variance based estimator
P Das, C Pal, A Chakrabarti, A Acharyya, S Basu
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 59 (May 2020), 2020
Audio de-noising by spectral subtraction technique implemented on reconfigurable hardware
T Biswas, C Pal, SB Mandal, A Chakrabarti
2014 Seventh International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 236-241, 2014
Nanomagnetic logic based runtime Reconfigurable area efficient and high speed adder design methodology
S Sivasubramani, V Mattela, P Rangesh, C Pal, A Acharyya
Nanotechnology 31 (18), 18LT02, 2020
An efficient hardware design of SIFT algorithm using fault tolerant reversible logic
C Pal, P Das, SB Mandal, A Chakrabarti, S Basu, R Ghosh
2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Information …, 2015
Hardware software co-design of a fast bilateral filter in FPGA
C Pal, KN Chaudhury, A Samanta, A Chakrabarti, R Ghosh
2013 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2013
Health monitoring systems: an enabling technology for patient care
R Gupta, D Biswas
CRC Press, 2019
Architecture for complex network measures of brain connectivity
C Pal, D Biswas, K Maharatna, A Chakrabarti
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017, 2017
DSP hardware design for fingerprint binarization and thinning on FPGA
RK Das, A De, C Pal, A Chakrabarti
Proceedings of The 2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation …, 2014
A novel approach in WiFi CSI-based fall detection
G Mattela, M Tripathi, C Pal
SN Computer Science 3 (3), 214, 2022
Novel architecture of modular exponent on reconfigurable system
R Paul, S Saha, C Pal, S Sau
2012 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, 1-6, 2012
Design and implementation of real time secured rs232 link for multiple fpga communication
S Sau, C Pal, A Chakrabarti
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Communication, Computing …, 2011
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Articles 1–20