Andrey V. Mikheenkov
Andrey V. Mikheenkov
Institute for High Pressure Physics, RAS; Moscow Insitute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MIPT)
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Frustrated quantum two-dimensional J 1-J 2-J 3 antiferromagnet in a spherically symmetric self-consistent approach
AF Barabanov, AV Mikheenkov, AV Shvartsberg
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 168, 1192-1215, 2011
On the bound state of holes for the square-lattice Hubbard model with resonating valence bonds
AF Barabanov, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheyenkov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (50), 10143, 1989
Theory of the spin-polaron for 2D antiferromagnets
AF Barabanov, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheyenkov
AIP Conference Proceedings 527 (1), 1-117, 2000
Renormalized spin susceptibility in layered frustrated antiferromagnet related to cuprates
AF Barabanov, AV Mikheyenkov, AM Belemuk
Physics Letters A 365 (5-6), 469-472, 2007
Hydrogen and its compounds under extreme pressure
AN Utyuzh, AV Mikheyenkov
Physics-Uspekhi 60 (9), 886, 2017
Spin susceptibility of cuprates in the model of a 2D frustrated antiferromagnet: Role of renormalization of spin fluctuations in describing neutron experiments
AV Mikheenkov, AF Barabanov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 105, 347-359, 2007
Spin Polaron in the Cuprate Superconductors: Interpretation of
AF Barabanov, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheyenkov
Spectroscopy of High-Tc Superconductors: A Theoretical View, 1, 2003
A spin polaron in a two-dimensional antiferromagnet: From a local singlet to a complex quasiparticle
AF Barabanov, AV Mikheenkov, AM Belemuk
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 75, 107-118, 2002
Spin polaron approach to superconductivity
AF Barabanov, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheenkov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 74, 328-331, 2001
Quantum phase transitions and the degree of nonidentity in the system with two different species of vector bosons
AM Belemuk, NM Chtchelkatchev, AV Mikheyenkov, KI Kugel
New Journal of Physics 20 (6), 063039, 2018
Thermodynamic properties of the 2D frustrated Heisenberg model for the entire J1–J2 circle
AV Mikheyenkov, AV Shvartsberg, VE Valiulin, AF Barabanov
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 419, 131-139, 2016
Magnetic phase diagram and quantum phase transitions in a two-species boson model
AM Belemuk, NM Chtchelkatchev, AV Mikheyenkov, KI Kugel
Physical Review B 96 (9), 094435, 2017
The Hall effect and its analogs
AF Barabanov, YM Kagan, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheyenkov, ...
Physics-Uspekhi 58 (5), 446, 2015
Phase transitions in the 2D J 1-J 2 Heisenberg model with arbitrary signs of exchange interactions
AV Mikheyenkov, AV Shvartsberg, AF Barabanov
JETP letters 98, 156-160, 2013
Лекции по статистической физике
ИЯП Л.А. Максимов, А.В. Михеенков
МФТИ, 2011
Superconductivity: Physics Chemistry Technology
AF Barabanov, LA Maksimov, AV Mikheyenkov
Chem. Technol 4 (3), 1991
Effective orbital ordering in multiwell optical lattices with fermionic atoms
AM Belemuk, NM Chtchelkatchev, AV Mikheyenkov
Physical Review A 90 (2), 023625, 2014
On the coexistence of different types of long-range order in the strongly frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg model
AV Mikheyenkov, AF Barabanov, AV Shvartsberg
Solid state communications 152 (10), 831-834, 2012
On the ground state and phase transition fors=1/2 triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet with NN and NNN interactions
AF Barabanov, AV Mikheyenkov
Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 93 (3), 349-355, 1994
Helical Quantum States in a Strongly Frustrated Two-Dimensional Magnet
AV Mikheenkov, VE Valiulin, AV Shvartsberg, AF Barabanov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 126, 404-416, 2018
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Articles 1–20