Erida Gjini
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Cited by
Integrating antimicrobial therapy with host immunity to fight drug-resistant infections: classical vs. adaptive treatment
E Gjini, PH Brito
PLoS computational biology 12 (4), e1004857, 2016
Renal control of disease tolerance to malaria
S Ramos, AR Carlos, B Sundaram, V Jeney, A Ribeiro, R Gozzelino, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5681-5686, 2019
Critical interplay between parasite differentiation, host immunity, and antigenic variation in trypanosome infections
E Gjini, DT Haydon, JD Barry, CA Cobbold
The American Naturalist 176 (4), 424-439, 2010
How direct competition shapes coexistence and vaccine effects in multi-strain pathogen systems
E Gjini, C Valente, R Sa-Leao, MGM Gomes
Journal of Theoretical Biology 388, 50-60, 2016
Price equation captures the role of drug interactions and collateral effects in the evolution of multidrug resistance
E Gjini, KB Wood
Elife 10, e64851, 2021
Geographic variation in pneumococcal vaccine efficacy estimated from dynamic modeling of epidemiological data post-PCV7
E Gjini
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3049, 2017
Treatment timing shifts the benefits of short and long antibiotic treatment over infection
E Gjini, FFS Paupério, VV Ganusov
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2020 (1), 249-263, 2020
Unveiling time in dose-response models to infer host susceptibility to pathogens
D Pessoa, C Souto-Maior, E Gjini, JS Lopes, B Ceña, CT Codeço, ...
PLoS Computational Biology 10 (8), e1003773, 2014
Slow growing behavior in African trypanosomes during adipose tissue colonization
S Trindade, M De Niz, M Costa-Sequeira, T Bizarra-Rebelo, F Bento, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 7548, 2022
Loss of α-gal during primate evolution enhanced antibody-effector function and resistance to bacterial sepsis
S Singh, JA Thompson, B Yilmaz, H Li, S Weis, D Sobral, M Truglio, ...
Cell host & microbe 29 (3), 347-361. e12, 2021
Predicting N-strain coexistence from co-colonization interactions: epidemiology meets ecology and the replicator equation
S Madec, E Gjini
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 82 (11), 142, 2020
Cell competition, the kinetics of thymopoiesis, and thymus cellularity are regulated by double-negative 2 to 3 early thymocytes
CV Ramos, L Ballesteros-Arias, JG Silva, RA Paiva, MF Nogueira, ...
Cell reports 32 (3), 2020
Expanding vaccine efficacy estimation with dynamic models fitted to cross-sectional prevalence data post-licensure
E Gjini, MGM Gomes
Epidemics 14, 71-82, 2016
Modeling competitive mixtures with the Lotka-Volterra framework for more complex fitness assessment between strains
A Dimas Martins, E Gjini
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 572487, 2020
Transmission fitness in co-colonization and the persistence of bacterial pathogens
M Gaivão, F Dionisio, E Gjini
Bulletin of mathematical biology 79 (9), 2068-2087, 2017
A slow-fast dynamic decomposition links neutral and non-neutral coexistence in interacting multi-strain pathogens
E Gjini, S Madec
Theoretical Ecology 10 (1), 129-141, 2017
The impact of mutation and gene conversion on the local diversification of antigen genes in African trypanosomes
E Gjini, DT Haydon, JD Barry, CA Cobbold
Molecular biology and evolution 29 (11), 3321-3331, 2012
The ratio of single to co‐colonization is key to complexity in interacting systems with multiple strains
E Gjini, S Madec
Ecology and Evolution 11 (13), 8456-8474, 2021
Heterogeneity in symbiotic effects facilitates Wolbachia establishment in insect populations
C Souto-Maior, JS Lopes, E Gjini, CJ Struchiner, L Teixeira, ...
Theoretical Ecology 8 (1), 53-65, 2015
Disentangling how multiple traits drive 2 strain frequencies in SIS dynamics with coinfection
TMT Le, S Madec, E Gjini
Journal of Theoretical Biology 538, 111041, 2022
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Articles 1–20