Jairo Aponte
Jairo Aponte
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On the use of automated text summarization techniques for summarizing source code
S Haiduc, J Aponte, L Moreno, A Marcus
2010 17th Working conference on reverse engineering, 35-44, 2010
Automatic generation of natural language summaries for java classes
L Moreno, J Aponte, G Sridhara, A Marcus, L Pollock, K Vijay-Shanker
2013 21st International conference on program comprehension (ICPC), 23-32, 2013
Supporting program comprehension with source code summarization
S Haiduc, J Aponte, A Marcus
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2010
On automatically generating commit messages via summarization of source code changes
LF Cortés-Coy, M Linares-Vásquez, J Aponte, D Poshyvanyk
2014 IEEE 14th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and …, 2014
Changescribe: A tool for automatically generating commit messages
M Linares-Vásquez, LF Cortés-Coy, J Aponte, D Poshyvanyk
2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering 2 …, 2015
Mining source code descriptions from developer communications
S Panichella, J Aponte, M Di Penta, A Marcus, G Canfora
2012 20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 63-72, 2012
How distributed version control systems impact open source software projects
C Rodríguez-Bustos, J Aponte
2012 9th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 36-39, 2012
Feature location benchmark with ArgoUML SPL
J Martinez, N Ordoñez, X Tërnava, T Ziadi, J Aponte, E Figueiredo, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line …, 2018
An empirical study assessing source code readability in comprehension
J Johnson, S Lubo, N Yedla, J Aponte, B Sharif
2019 IEEE International conference on software maintenance and evolution …, 2019
Evolving a project-based software engineering course: A case study
D Delgado, A Velasco, J Aponte, A Marcus
2017 IEEE 30th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training …, 2017
An empirical study assessing the effect of seeit 3d on comprehension
B Sharif, G Jetty, J Aponte, E Parra
2013 First IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 1-10, 2013
Supporting program comprehension with source code summarization. In 2010 acm/ieee 32nd international conference on software engineering, Vol. 2
S Haiduc, J Aponte, A Marcus
IEEE, 223ś226, 2010
Finding relationships between socio-technical aspects and personality traits by mining developer e-mails
OH Paruma-Pabón, FA González, J Aponte, JE Camargo, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on cooperative and human …, 2016
Predicting the programming language: Extracting knowledge from stack overflow posts
JF Baquero, JE Camargo, F Restrepo-Calle, JH Aponte, FA González
Advances in Computing: 12th Colombian Conference, CCC 2017, Cali, Colombia …, 2017
Towards the automatic extraction of structural business rules from legacy databases
O Chaparro, J Aponte, F Ortega, A Marcus
2012 19th Working conference on reverse engineering, 479-488, 2012
Improving traceability link recovery methods through software artifact summarization
J Aponte, A Marcus
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Traceability in Emerging …, 2011
On the analysis of human and automatic summaries of source code
L Moreno, J Aponte
CLEI Electronic Journal 15 (2), 2-2, 2012
Automated fine grained traceability links recovery between high level requirements and source code implementations
A Velasco, J Aponte
ParadigmPlus 1 (2), 18-41, 2020
Evaluating the graph-based visualization technique: A controlled experiment
GO Cárdenas, J Aponte
Enfoque UTE 8, 201-216, 2017
Sv3D meets eclipse
D Montano, J Aponte, A Marcus
2009 5th IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for …, 2009
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Articles 1–20