Aria Shahverdi
Cited by
Cited by
Toward practical homomorphic evaluation of block ciphers using prince
Y Doröz, A Shahverdi, T Eisenbarth, B Sunar
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2014 Workshops, BITCOIN and …, 2014
Lightweight Side Channel Resistance: Threshold Implementations of Simon
A Shahverdi, M Taha, T Eisenbarth
IEEE Transactions on Computers 66 (4), 661-671, 2016
Balanced encoding to mitigate power analysis: a case study
C Chen, T Eisenbarth, A Shahverdi, X Ye
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 13th International Conference …, 2015
Silent Simon: A threshold implementation under 100 slices
A Shahverdi, M Taha, T Eisenbarth
2015 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2015
Tight upper and lower bounds for leakage-resilient, locally decodable and updatable non-malleable codes
D Dachman-Soled, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Information and Computation 268, 104428, 2019
Database Reconstruction from Noisy Volumes: A Cache {Side-Channel} Attack on {SQLite}
A Shahverdi, M Shirinov, D Dachman-Soled
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 1019-1035, 2021
Towards a ring analogue of the leftover hash lemma
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 15 (1), 87-110, 2020
Local non-malleable codes in the bounded retrieval model
D Dachman-Soled, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
IACR International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 281-311, 2018
Partial key exposure in ring-lwe-based cryptosystems: Attacks and resilience
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2018
On the Leakage Resilience of Ideal-Lattice Based Public Key Encryption.
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch. 2017, 1127, 2017
AVRprince-an efficient implementation of PRINCE for 8-bit microprocessors
A Shahverdi, C Chen, T Eisenbarth
Technical report, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2014
(In) security of ring-lwe under partial key exposure
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 15 (1), 72-86, 2020
BKW meets Fourier new algorithms for LPN with sparse parities
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, H Kippen, A Shahverdi
Theory of Cryptography: 19th International Conference, TCC 2021, Raleigh, NC …, 2021
Transparency Tools for Fairness in AI (Luskin)
M Chen, A Shahverdi, S Anderson, SY Park, J Zhang, D Dachman-Soled, ...
Research in Mathematics and Public Policy, 47-80, 2020
Locally Decodable and Updatable Non-Malleable Codes in the Bounded Retrieval Model.
D Dachman-Soled, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2017, 303, 2017
Lightweight Cryptography Meets Threshold Implementation: A Case Study for Simon
A Shahverdi
Master's Thesis. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2015
Security of NewHope Under Partial Key Exposure
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Research in Mathematics and Public Policy, 93-125, 2020
Side-channel attacks on btree
D Dachman-Soled, SN Locke, S Maimon, R Metzger, A Shahverdi, ...
On the Leakage Resilience of Ring-LWE Based Public Key Encryption
D Dachman-Soled, H Gong, M Kulkarni, A Shahverdi
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017
Algorithms for Reconstructing Databases and Cryptographic Secret Keys in Entropic Settings
A Shahverdi
University of Maryland, College Park, 2022
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Articles 1–20