有田 大作
有田 大作
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Dynamic control of adaptive mixture-of-Gaussians background model
A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
2006 IEEE international conference on video and signal based surveillance, 5-5, 2006
An easy-to-setup 3D phenotyping platform for KOMATSUNA dataset
H Uchiyama, S Sakurai, M Mishima, D Arita, T Okayasu, A Shimada, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision …, 2017
Recognition of local features for camera-based sign language recognition system
I Imagawa, H Matsuo, R Taniguchi, D Arita, S Lu, S Igi
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
A fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction using parzen density estimation
T Tanaka, A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
2007 IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 528-533, 2007
A real-time motion capture system with multiple camera fusion
S Yonemoto, A Matsumoto, D Arita, RI Taniguchi
Proceedings 10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing …, 1999
村上剛司, 長谷川勉, 木室義彦, 千田陽介, 家永貴史, 有田大作, 倉爪亮
日本ロボット学会誌 26 (2), 192-199, 2008
Real-time human motion analysis and IK-based human figure control
S Yonemoto, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Proceedings Workshop on Human Motion, 149-154, 2000
Rpv-ii: A stream-based real-time parallel vision system and its application to real-time volume reconstruction
D Arita, R Taniguchi
International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 174-189, 2001
Software platform for parallel image processing and computer vision
R Taniguchi, Y Makiyama, N Tsuruta, S Yonemoto, D Arita
Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Processing 3166, 2-10, 1997
Non-parametric background and shadow modeling for object detection
T Tanaka, A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Computer Vision–ACCV 2007: 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Tokyo …, 2007
Vision-based real-time motion capture system using multiple cameras
H Yoshimoto, N Date, S Yonemoto
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and …, 2003
Towards robust object detection: integrated background modeling based on spatio-temporal features
T Tanaka, A Shimada, R Taniguchi, T Yamashita, D Arita
Computer Vision–ACCV 2009: 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Xi’an …, 2010
Appearance-based recognition of hand shapes for sign language in low resolution image
K Imagawa
ACCV2000, 2000
Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based inverse kinematics for interactive applications
N Date, H Yoshimoto, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
Two-step Transfer Learning for Semantic Plant Segmentation.
S Sakurai, H Uchiyama, A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
ICPRAM, 332-339, 2018
Object detection under varying illumination based on adaptive background modeling considering spatial locality
T Tanaka, A Shimada, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Advances in Image and Video Technology: Third Pacific Rim Symposium, PSIVT …, 2009
Real-time 3D hand shape estimation based on inverse kinematics and physical constraints
R Fujiki, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2005: 13th International Conference …, 2005
Real-time human motion analysis based on analysis of silhouette contour and color blob
R Hoshino, D Arita, S Yonemoto, R Taniguchi
Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects: Second International Workshop …, 2002
Real-time computer vision on PC-cluster and its application to real-time motion capture
D Arita, S Yonemoto, RI Taniguchi
Proceedings Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architectures for …, 2000
Real-time image processing on ieee1394-based pc cluster
H Yoshimoto, D Arita, R Taniguchi
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, International 4, 30116a-30116a, 2001
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Articles 1–20