Viktor A. Podolskiy
Cited by
Cited by
Plasmonic nanorod metamaterials for biosensing
AV Kabashin, P Evans, S Pastkovsky, W Hendren, GA Wurtz, R Atkinson, ...
Nature materials 8 (11), 867-871, 2009
Negative refraction in semiconductor metamaterials
AJ Hoffman, L Alekseyev, SS Howard, KJ Franz, D Wasserman, ...
Nature materials 6 (12), 946-950, 2007
Designed ultrafast optical nonlinearity in a plasmonic nanorod metamaterial enhanced by nonlocality
GA Wurtz, R Pollard, W Hendren, GP Wiederrecht, DJ Gosztola, ...
Nature nanotechnology 6 (2), 107-111, 2011
Strongly anisotropic waveguide as a nonmagnetic left-handed system
VA Podolskiy, EE Narimanov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (20), 201101, 2005
Near-sighted superlens
VA Podolskiy, EE Narimanov
Optics letters 30 (1), 75-77, 2005
Hyperbolic metamaterials: new physics behind a classical problem
VP Drachev, VA Podolskiy, AV Kildishev
Optics express 21 (12), 15048-15064, 2013
Stimulated emission of surface plasmon polaritons
MA Noginov, G Zhu, M Mayy, BA Ritzo, N Noginova, VA Podolskiy
Physical review letters 101 (22), 226806, 2008
Plasmon modes and negative refraction in metal nanowire composites
VA Podolskiy, AK Sarychev, VM Shalaev
Optics Express 11 (7), 735-745, 2003
Optical nonlocalities and additional waves in epsilon-near-zero metamaterials
RJ Pollard, A Murphy, WR Hendren, PR Evans, R Atkinson, GA Wurtz, ...
Physical review letters 102 (12), 127405, 2009
Compensation of loss in propagating surface plasmon polariton by gain in adjacent dielectric medium
MA Noginov, VA Podolskiy, G Zhu, M Mayy, M Bahoura, JA Adegoke, ...
Optics express 16 (2), 1385-1392, 2008
Plasmon modes in metal nanowires and left-handed materials
VA Podolskiy, AK Sarychev, VM Shalaev
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 11 (01), 65-74, 2002
Nonlocal effects in effective-medium response of nanolayered metamaterials
J Elser, VA Podolskiy, I Salakhutdinov, I Avrutsky
Applied physics letters 90 (19), 2007
Nanowire metamaterials with extreme optical anisotropy
J Elser, R Wangberg, VA Podolskiy, EE Narimanov
Applied physics letters 89 (26), 2006
Highly confined optical modes in nanoscale metal-dielectric multilayers
I Avrutsky, I Salakhutdinov, J Elser, V Podolskiy
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (24), 241402, 2007
Towards nano-scale photonics with micro-scale photons: the opportunities and challenges of mid-infrared plasmonics
S Law, V Podolskiy, D Wasserman
Nanophotonics 2 (2), 103-130, 2013
Transparent conductive oxides: Plasmonic materials for telecom wavelengths
MA Noginov, L Gu, J Livenere, G Zhu, AK Pradhan, R Mundle, M Bahoura, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (2), 2011
Nonmagnetic nanocomposites for optical and infrared negative-refractive-index media
R Wangberg, J Elser, EE Narimanov, VA Podolskiy
JOSA B 23 (3), 498-505, 2006
Funneling light through a subwavelength aperture with epsilon-near-zero materials
DC Adams, S Inampudi, T Ribaudo, D Slocum, S Vangala, NA Kuhta, ...
Physical review letters 107 (13), 133901, 2011
Metamaterial photonic funnels for subdiffraction light compression and propagation
AA Govyadinov, VA Podolskiy
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (15), 155108, 2006
Tutorials in metamaterials
MA Noginov, VA Podolskiy
CRC press, 2011
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Articles 1–20