Yolanda E-Martín
Yolanda E-Martín
Florida Universitària
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Cited by
A fast goal recognition technique based on interaction estimates
Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, DE Smith
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks.
A Pozanco, Y E-Martín, S Fernández, D Borrajo
IJCAI, 4808-4814, 2018
Experiences using social networks in Spanish public administrations
JI Criado, Y E-Martín, D Camacho
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and …, 2011
Finding Centroids and Minimum Covering States in Planning
A Pozanco, E Yolanda, S Fernández, D Borrajo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2019
Gotcha: An autonomous controller for the space domain
J Ocon, JM Delfa, T de la Rosa, A Garcıa, Y Escudero
Proc. ASTRA, 2017
Train route planning as a multi-agent path finding problem
M Salerno, Y E-Martín, R Fuentetaja, A Gragera, A Pozanco, D Borrajo
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Conference of the Spanish …, 2021
Guarantees for sound abstractions for generalized planning
B Bonet, R Fuentetaja, Y E-Martín, D Borrajo
Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Sistema Inteligente de Detección y Orientación de usuarios en Bibliotecas
B Castaño, Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, L Usero
Revista Española de Documentación Científica 36 (1), 003, 2013
Efficiently reasoning with interval constraints in forward search planning
A Coles, A Coles, M Martinez, E Savas, JM Delfa, T de la Rosa, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 7562-7569, 2019
Progressive heuristic search for probabilistic planning based on interaction estimates
Y E‐Martín, MD R‐Moreno, DE Smith
Expert Systems 31 (5), 421-436, 2014
Goal recognition with noisy observations
E Yolanda, DE Smith
Workshops at the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2017
Using a Plan Graph with Interaction Estimates for Probabilistic Planning
Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, DE Smith
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII: Incorporating …, 2011
PIPSS*: A System based on Temporal Estimates
Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, B Castaño
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2010
Finding Centroids and Minimum Covering States in Planning
A Pozanco Lancho, Y Escudero Martín, S Fernández Arregui, ...
AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), 2019
Guarantees for Sound Abstractions for Generalized Planning (Extended Paper)
B Bonet, R Fuentetaja, D Borrajo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.12071, 2019
Incremental contingency planning for recovering from critical outcomes in high-probability seed plans
Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, DE Smith
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 6, 299-314, 2017
Incremental Contingency Planning for Recovering from Uncertain Outcomes
Y E-Martín, MD R-Moreno, DE Smith
Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, 237-247, 2016
Improving cost and probability estimates using interaction
YE Martın
Universidad de Alcalá, 2016
Probabilistic plan graph heuristic for probabilistic planning
E Yolanda, R Maria, D Smith
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 1774-1775, 2011
Counterplanning in Real-Time Strategy Games through Goal Recognition
A Pozanco, A Blanco, E Yolanda, SF Martın, D Borrajo
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