Thomas Wilhein
Thomas Wilhein
RheinAhrCampus Remagen, HS Koblenz
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Compact water‐window transmission X‐ray microscopy
Berglund, Rymell, Peuker, Wilhein, Hertz
Journal of microscopy 197 (3), 268-273, 2000
A new powerful source for coherent VUV radiation: Demonstration of exponential growth and saturation at the TTF free-electron laser
V Ayvazyan, N Baboi, I Bohnet, R Brinkmann, M Castellano, P Castro, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2002
Investigation of soft X-ray emission from a gas puff target irradiated with a Nd: YAG laser
H Fiedorowicz, A Bartnik, M Szczurek, H Daido, N Sakaya, V Kmetik, ...
Optics Communications 163 (1-3), 103-114, 1999
Differential interference contrast X-ray microscopy with submicron resolution
T Wilhein, B Kaulich, E Di Fabrizio, F Romanato, S Cabrini, J Susini
Applied Physics Letters 78 (14), 2082-2084, 2001
Cryogenic liquid-jet target for debris-free laser-plasma soft x-ray generation
M Berglund, L Rymell, HM Hertz, T Wilhein
Review of scientific instruments 69 (6), 2361-2364, 1998
A slit grating spectrograph for quantitative soft x-ray spectroscopy
T Wilhein, S Rehbein, D Hambach, M Berglund, L Rymell, HM Hertz
Review of scientific instruments 70 (3), 1694-1699, 1999
Single-pulse resonant magnetic scattering using a soft x-ray free-electron laser
C Gutt, S Streit-Nierobisch, LM Stadler, B Pfau, CM Günther, R Könnecke, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (10), 100401, 2010
TwinMic: a European twin X-ray microscopy station commissioned at ELETTRA
B Kaulich, D Bacescu, J Susini, C David, E Di Fabrizio, GR Morrison, ...
8th Int. Conf. X-ray Microscopy, 22-25, 2006
Coherent imaging of biological samples with femtosecond pulses at the free-electron laser FLASH
AP Mancuso, T Gorniak, F Staier, OM Yefanov, R Barth, C Christophis, ...
New Journal of Physics 12 (3), 035003, 2010
X-ray microscopy studies
G Schmahl, D Rudolph, B Niemann, P Guttmann, J Thieme, G Schneider
Optik (Stuttgart) 93 (3), 95-102, 1993
Diffractive optical elements for differential interference contrast x-ray microscopy
E Di Fabrizio, D Cojoc, S Cabrini, B Kaulich, J Susini, P Facci, T Wilhein
Optics Express 11 (19), 2278-2288, 2003
Compact soft x-ray microscope using a gas-discharge light source
M Benk, K Bergmann, D Schäfer, T Wilhein
Optics letters 33 (20), 2359-2361, 2008
Differential interference contrast x-ray microscopy with twin zone plates
B Kaulich, T Wilhein, E Di Fabrizio, F Romanato, M Altissimo, S Cabrini, ...
JOSA A 19 (4), 797-806, 2002
Non-destructive analysis for the investigation of decomposition phenomena of historical manuscripts and prints
W Faubel, S Staub, R Simon, S Heissler, A Pataki, G Banik
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 62 (6-7), 669-676, 2007
Off-axis reflection zone plate for quantitative soft x-ray source characterization
T Wilhein, D Hambach, B Niemann, M Berglund, L Rymell, HM Hertz
Applied physics letters 71 (2), 190-192, 1997
Diagnostics of a laser-induced dense plasma by hydrogen-like carbon spectra
S Sorge, A Wierling, G Röpke, W Theobald, R Sauerbrey, T Wilhein
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33 (16), 2983, 2000
Coherent-pulse 2D crystallography using a free-electron laser X-ray source
AP Mancuso, A Schropp, B Reime, LM Stadler, A Singer, J Gulden, ...
Physical review letters 102 (3), 035502, 2009
Toward time-resolved soft X-ray microscopy using pulsed fs-high-harmonic radiation
M Wieland, C Spielmann, U Kleineberg, T Westerwalbesloh, ...
Ultramicroscopy 102 (2), 93-100, 2005
Resonant magnetic scattering with soft x-ray pulses from a free-electron laser operating at 1.59 nm
C Gutt, LM Stadler, S Streit-Nierobisch, AP Mancuso, A Schropp, B Pfau, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (21), 212406, 2009
EUV and fast ion emission from cryogenic liquid jet target laser-generated plasma
M Wieland, T Wilhein, M Faubel, C Ellert, M Schmidt, O Sublemontier
Applied Physics B 72, 591-597, 2001
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Articles 1–20