Rainer Martini
Rainer Martini
Associate Professor of Physics, Stevens Institute Of Technology
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Cited by
Quantum cascade lasers: ultrahigh-speed operation, optical wireless communication, narrow linewidth, and far-infrared emission
F Capasso, R Paiella, R Martini, R Colombelli, C Gmachl, TL Myers, ...
IEEE Journal of quantum electronics 38 (6), 511-532, 2002
Quantum cascade lasers and the Kruse model in free space optical communication
P Corrigan, R Martini, EA Whittaker, C Bethea
Optics Express 17 (6), 4355-4359, 2009
High-frequency modulation without the relaxation oscillation resonance in quantum cascade lasers
R Paiella, R Martini, F Capasso, C Gmachl, HY Hwang, DL Sivco, ...
Applied Physics Letters 79 (16), 2526-2528, 2001
Free-space optical transmission of multimedia satellite data streams using mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, C Bethea, F Capasso, C Gmachl, R Paiella, EA Whittaker, ...
Electronics Letters 38 (4), 1, 2002
Three-dimensional imaging system using optical pulses, non-linear optical mixers and holographic calibration
JJ Keating III, R Martini
US Patent 8,098,275, 2012
High-speed modulation and free-space optical audio/video transmission using quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, C Gmachl, J Falciglia, FG Curti, CG Bethea, F Capasso, ...
Electronics Letters 37 (3), 1, 2001
Superradiant emission from Bloch oscillations in semiconductor superlattices
R Martini, G Klose, HG Roskos, H Kurz, HT Grahn, R Hey
Physical Review B 54 (20), R14325, 1996
Quantum cascade laser-based free space optical communications
R Martini, EA Whittaker
Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Reports 2 (4), 279-292, 2005
High-speed digital data transmission using mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
R Martini, R Paiella, C Gmachl, F Capasso, EA Whittaker, HC Liu, ...
Electronics Letters 37 (21), 1, 2001
Forward-propagating surface-enhanced Raman scattering and intensity distribution in photonic crystal fiber with immobilized Ag nanoparticles
MKK Oo, Y Han, R Martini, S Sukhishvili, H Du
Optics letters 34 (7), 968-970, 2009
High-speed all-optical modulation of a standard quantum cascade laser by front facet illumination
G Chen, CG Bethea, R Martini, PD Grant, R Dudek, HC Liu
Applied Physics Letters 95 (10), 2009
Optically induced fast wavelength modulation in a quantum cascade laser
G Chen, R Martini, S Park, CG Bethea, I Chen, A Chun, PD Grant, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (1), 2010
White paper on the future of plasma science for optics and glass
M Šimek, M Černák, O Kylián, R Foest, D Hegemann, R Martini
Plasma Processes and Polymers 16 (1), 1700250, 2019
High duty cycle operation of quantum cascade lasers based on graded superlattice active regions
R Martini, C Gmachi, A Tredicucci, F Capasso, AL Hutchinson, DL Sivco, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (12), 7735-7738, 2001
Optical modulation of quantum cascade laser with optimized excitation wavelength
T Yang, G Chen, C Tian, R Martini
Optics Letters 38 (8), 1200-1202, 2013
Three-dimensional impedance imaging device
K Freed, M Calderia, R Ostroff, E Eubanks, R Martini, V Hazelwood
US Patent 8,010,187, 2011
Comparison of subspace and ARX models of a waveguide's terahertz transient response after optimal wavelet filtering
S Hadjiloucas, RKH Galvão, VM Becerra, JW Bowen, R Martini, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 52 (10), 2409-2419, 2004
Measurement of propagation constant in waveguides with wideband coherent terahertz spectroscopy
S Hadjiloucas, RKH Galvao, JW Bowen, R Martini, M Brucherseifer, ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20 (2), 391-401, 2003
Self-consistent approach for quantum cascade laser characteristic simulation
G Chen, T Yang, C Peng, R Martini
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47 (8), 1086-1093, 2011
Quantum cascade laser-based free space optical communications
R Martini, EA Whittaker
Free-Space Laser Communications, 393-406, 2008
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Articles 1–20