Teshome Regassa
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Cited by
Sweet sorghum as a bioenergy crop: Literature review
TH Regassa, CS Wortmann
Biomass and Bioenergy 64, 348-355, 2014
Variation for nitrogen use efficiency traits in current and historical great plains hard winter wheat
MJ Guttieri, K Frels, T Regassa, BM Waters, PS Baenziger
Euphytica 213 (4), 1-18, 2017
Evaluating a satellite-based seasonal evapotranspiration product and identifying its relationship with other satellite-derived products and crop yield: A case study for Ethiopia
T Tsegaye, S Gabriel B, B Getachew, T Regassa, S Beyene
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 40, 39-54, 2015
Seeding Rate, Genotype, and Topdressed Nitrogen Effects on Yield and Agronomic Characteristics of Winter Wheat
M Bhatta, KM Eskridge, DJ Rose, DK Santra, PS Baenziger, T Regassa
Crop Science, 2017
Genotype, environment, seeding rate, and top‐dressed nitrogen effects on end‐use quality of modern Nebraska winter wheat
M Bhatta, T Regassa, DJ Rose, PS Baenziger, KM Eskridge, DK Santra, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 97 (15), 5311-5318, 2017
Research with farmers: Lessons from Ethiopia
SC Franzel, H Van Houten
Oxford University Press, USA, 1992
Structuring an efficient organic wheat breeding program
PS Baenziger, I Salah, RS Little, DK Santra, T Regassa, MY Wang
Sustainability 3 (8), 1190-1205, 2011
Major factors influencing the reproductive performance of dairy farms in Mekelle City, Tigray, Ethiopia
G Ashebir
Journal of Dairy, Veterinary & Animal Research 3 (4), 2016
Foliar fungicide effects on disease severity, yield, and agronomic characteristics of modern winter wheat genotypes
M Bhatta, T Regassa, SN Wegulo, PS Baenziger
Agronomy Journal 110 (2), 602-610, 2018
Variation in asparagine concentration in Nebraska wheat
DJR Navrotskyi, S., P. S. Baenziger, T. Regassa, M.J. Guttieri
Cereal Chemistry 95, 264-273, 2018
Sweet sorghum as a bioenergy crop for the US Great Plains
CS Wortmann, T Regassa
Economic Effects of Biofuel Production. InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 225-240, 2011
Registration of ‘NH03614 CL’wheat
PS Baenziger, RA Graybosch, LA Nelson, T Regassa, RN Klein, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 5 (1), 75-80, 2011
Registration of ‘NE06545’(Husker Genetics Brand Freeman) hard red winter wheat
PS Baenziger, RA Graybosch, T Regassa, RN Klein, GR Kruger, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 8 (3), 279-284, 2014
Microbial load of hard red winter wheat produced at three growing environments across Nebraska, USA
L Sabillón, J Stratton, DJ Rose, TH Regassa, A Bianchini
Journal of food protection 79 (4), 646-654, 2016
Registration of ‘NI04421’hard red winter wheat
PS Baenziger, RA Graybosch, T Regassa, LA Nelson, RN Klein, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 6 (1), 54-59, 2012
Registration of ‘Mattern’waxy (amylose‐free) winter wheat
RA Graybosch, PS Baenziger, DK Santra, T Regassa, Y Jin, J Kolmer, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 8 (1), 43-48, 2014
Antibiotic use in animal production: Environmental concerns
TH Regassa, RK Koelsch, CS Wortmann, RF Randle, AA Abunyewa
Influence of foliar fungicide treatment on lipolytic enzyme activity of whole wheat
R Poudel, M Bhatta, T Regassa, DJ Rose
Cereal Chemistry 94 (3), 633-639, 2017
R Graybosch, HE Bockelman, KA Garland‐Campbell, DF Garvin, ...
Yield gains in major US field crops 33, 459-487, 2014
Empowerment and Tech Adoption: Introducing the Treadle Pump Triggers Farmers’ Innovation in Eastern Ethiopia
S Beyene, T Regassa, B Legesse, M Mamo, T Tadesse
Sustainability 10 (9), 3268, 2018
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Articles 1–20