Daniele L. R. Marini
Cited by
Cited by
A new algorithm for unsupervised global and local color correction
A Rizzi, C Gatta, D Marini
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (11), 1663-1677, 2003
Random spray retinex: a new retinex implementation to investigate the local properties of the model
E Provenzi, M Fierro, A Rizzi, L De Carli, D Gadia, D Marini
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (1), 162-171, 2006
Mathematical definition and analysis of the Retinex algorithm
E Provenzi, L De Carli, A Rizzi, D Marini
JOSA A 22 (12), 2613-2621, 2005
From retinex to automatic color equalization: issues in developing a new algorithm for unsupervised color equalization
A Rizzi, C Gatta, D Marini
Journal of electronic imaging 13 (1), 75-84, 2004
A computational approach to color adaptation effects
D Marini, A Rizzi
Image and Vision Computing 18 (13), 1005-1014, 2000
A proposal for contrast measure in digital images
A Rizzi, T Algeri, G Medeghini, D Marini
Conference on colour in graphics, imaging, and vision 2004 (1), 187-192, 2004
Color correction between gray world and white patch
A Rizzi, C Gatta, D Marini
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging VII 4662, 367-375, 2002
Ace: An automatic color equalization algorithm
C Gatta, A Rizzi, D Marini
Conference on colour in graphics, imaging, and vision 1, 316-320, 2002
Virtual reality as a communication process
D Marini, R Folgieri, D Gadia, A Rizzi
Virtual Reality 16, 233-241, 2012
Semiotics of virtual reality as a communication process
BR Barricelli, D Gadia, A Rizzi, DLR Marini
Behaviour & Information Technology 35 (11), 879-896, 2016
Perceptual approach for unsupervised digital color restoration of cinematographic archives
M Chambah, A Rizzi, C Gatta, B Besserer, D Marini
Color Imaging VIII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications 5008, 138-149, 2003
Analysis of brain activity and response during monoscopic and stereoscopic visualization
E Calore, R Folgieri, D Gadia, D Marini
Stereoscopic displays and applications XXIII 8288, 178-189, 2012
Optimal hierarchical partitions for fractal image compression
D Saupe, M Ruhl, R Hamzaoui, L Grandi, D Marini
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998
Local linear LUT method for spatial colour-correction algorithm speed-up
C Gatta, A Rizzi, D Marini
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 153 (3), 357-363, 2006
Analysis of brain activity and response to colour stimuli during learning tasks: an EEG study
R Folgieri, C Lucchiari, D Marini
Color Imaging XVIII: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications 8652 …, 2013
Unsupervised corrections of unknown chromatic dominants using a Brownian-path-based Retinex algorithm
A Rizzi, D Marini, L Rovati, F Docchio
Journal of Electronic Imaging 12 (3), 431-441, 2003
YACCD: yet another color constancy database
A Rizzi, C Gatta, D Marini
Color Imaging VIII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications 5008, 24-35, 2003
Classification of EEG signals produced by RGB colour stimuli
S Rasheed, D Marini
Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging 2 (5), 56, 2015
Comunicazione visiva digitale: fondamenti di Eidomatica
D Marini, M Bertolo, A Rizzi
Pearson, 2002
Perceptually inspired HDR images tone mapping with color correction
C Gatta, A Rizzi, D Marini
International journal of imaging systems and technology 17 (5), 285-294, 2007
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Articles 1–20