Articles with public access mandates - Hasan PinarLearn more
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Characterization of phenolics and tocopherol profile, capsaicinoid composition and bioactive properties of fruits in interspecies (Capsicum annuum X Capsicum frutescens …
K Karaman, H Pinar, B Ciftci, M Kaplan
Food Chemistry 423, 136173, 2023
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Assessment of interspecies (Capsicum annuum X Capsicum frutescens) recombinant inbreed lines (RIL) for fruit nutritional traits
H Pinar, M Kaplan, K Karaman, B Ciftci
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 115, 104848, 2023
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
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Identification of genetic diversity among Juglans regia L. genotypes using molecular, morphological, and fatty acid data
E Yildiz, H Pinar, A Uzun, M Yaman, A Sumbul, S Ercisli
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 68, 1425-1437, 2021
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Soybean nodule-associated non-rhizobial bacteria inhibit plant pathogens and induce growth promotion in tomato
S Tokgöz, DK Lakshman, MH Ghozlan, H Pinar, DP Roberts, A Mitra
Plants 9 (11), 1494, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Detailed morphological and molecular characterizations of melon (Cucumis melo L.) accessions collected from Northern Cyprus and Turkey
N Yılmaz, N Kaya, H Pınar, F Hancı, A Uzun
원예과학기술지 39 (4), 471-481, 2021
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Development of molecular markers lınked to QTL/genes controllıng Zn effıcıency
H Pinar, C Bulbul, D Simsek, M Shams, N Mutlu, S Ercisli
Molecular Biology Reports 49 (6), 5273-5281, 2022
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
E Kafkas, H Gubbuk, H Pınar, S Selli, E Gunes
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 21 (3), 15-24, 2022
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Genetic diversity and population structure of wild and cultivated apricots collected from Kyrgyzstan
A Uzun, H Pinar, K Gürcan, K Turgunbaev, E Yıldız, M Ilgın, S Dolgikh
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 1-10, 2024
Mandates: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
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