Miguel Morales
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Cited by
TRASGO: A proposal for a timing RPCs based detector for analyzing cosmic ray air showers
D Belver, P Cabanelas, D Domínguez, JA Garzón, G Kornakov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2010
Conductivity and charge depletion aging of resistive electrodes for high rate RPCs
M Morales, C Pecharromán, G Mata-Osoro, LA Díaz, JA Garzón
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (01), P01022, 0
TRAGALDABAS: a new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays
A Blanco, JJ Blanco, J Collazo, P Fonte, JA Garzon, A Gomez, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 9 (09), C09027, 2014
Performances of multi-gap timing RPCs for relativistic ions in the range Z= 1-6
P Cabanelas, M Morales, JA Garzon, A Gil, D Gonzalez-Diaz, A Blanco, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.0682, 2009
The role of the Resistive Plate response function in bringing an RPC to a stationary situation
D Gonzalez-Diaz, M Morales, LF Ferreira, JA Garzon, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2009
Aging and conductivity of electrodes for high rate tRPCs from an ion conductivity approach
M Morales, C Pecharromán, G Mata-Osoro, LA Díaz, JA Garzón
Proc. Sci 2012, 2012
Faradaic current in different mullite materials: single crystal, ceramic and cermets
G Mata-Osoro, JS Moya, M Morales, C Pecharromán
International Journal of Materials Research 103 (2012/04), 408-411, 2012
Development of Fe2O3/YSZ ceramic plates for cryogenic operation of resistive-protected gaseous detectors
L Olano-Vegas, I Pardo, S Leardini, M Morales, AR Carreira, RM Corral, ...
Frontiers in Detector Science and Technology 1, 1234229, 2023
Cosmic rays flux and geomagnetic field variations at midlatitudes
A Morozova, P Ribeiro, TC Team
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7516, 2014
Analysis of compact and sealed RPCs feasibility
M Morales, JL Rodríguez-Sánchez, JA Garzón
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (03), P03012, 2013
Development of small, easy to build and low gas consumming timing RPCs
M Morales, JL Rodríguez-Sánchez, N Teigel, D Ramos, JA Garzón
Proceedings of the XIth Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related …, 2012
Low resistivity materials for the low polar angle of the CBM-TOF wall
LA Diaz, JA Garzon, D Gonzalez-Diaz, L Lopes, M Morales, ...
Behaviour of the HADES-RPC counters under highly ionizing particles
P Cabanelas, M Morales, D Gonzalez-Diaz, A Gil, JA Garzon, D Belver, ...
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Articles 1–13