marghny mohamed
marghny mohamed
Professor of Computer Science, Assiut University
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Cited by
Fast algorithm for mining association rules
MH Margahny, AA Mitwaly
the conference proceedings of AIML, CICC, pp (36-40) Cairo, Egypt, 19-21, 2005
Novel and potential chemical sensors for Au (III) ion detection and recovery in electric waste samples
A Shahat, MH Mohamed, MR Awual, SK Mohamed
Microchemical Journal 158, 105312, 2020
Rules extraction from constructively trained neural networks based on genetic algorithms
MH Mohamed
Neurocomputing 74 (17), 3180-3192, 2011
High capacity image steganography technique based on LSB substitution method
MH Mohamed, LM Mohamed
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 10 (1), 259, 2016
Data Hiding by LSB Substitution Using Genetic Optimal Key-Permutation.
M Mohamed, F Al-Afari, MA Bamatraf
Int. Arab J. e-Technol. 2 (1), 11-17, 2011
Outlier detection using improved genetic k-means
MH Marghny, AI Taloba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.6859, 2014
Ant colony and load balancing optimizations for AODV routing protocol
AM Abd Elmoniem, HM Ibrahim, MH Mohamed, AR Hedar
Int J Sens Networks Data Commun 1, 1-14, 2012
Extracting logical classification rules with gene expression programming: microarray case study
MH Marghny, IE El-Semman
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2005
An ant colony optimization algorithm for the mobile ad hoc network routing problem based on AODV protocol
AM Abdel-Moniem, MH Mohamed, AR Hedar
2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2010
Web mining based on genetic algorithm
MH Marghny, AF Ali
AIML 05 Conference, 19-21, 2005
Fadwa Al-Afari, and Mohamed A
M Mohamed
Bamatraf." Data Hiding by LSB Substitution Using Genetic Optimal Key …, 2011
Differential Search Algorithm-based Parametric Optimization of Fuzzy Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machine
AIT M. H. Marghny, Rasha M. Abd El-aziz
International Journal of Computer Applications 108 (19), 38-46, 2014
An effective evolutionary clustering algorithm: Hepatitis C case study
MH Marghny, RMA El-Aziz, AI Taloba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.6173, 2014
Efficient mining frequent itemsets algorithms
MH Mohamed, MM Darwieesh
International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 5, 823-833, 2014
Fast efficient clustering algorithm for balanced data
A Sewisy, A El-Aziz, M Marghny, A Taloba
Available at SSRN 2545138, 2014
A hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm for software requirement problem
MH Marghny, EA Zanaty, WH Dukhan, O Reyad
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (9), 6991-7005, 2022
A new cascade-correlation growing deep learning neural network algorithm
SAEM Mohamed, MH Mohamed, MF Farghally
Algorithms 14 (5), 158, 2021
Automated classification of malignant and benign breast cancer lesions using neural networks on digitized mammograms
MM Abdelsamea, MH Mohamed, M Bamatraf
Cancer informatics 18, 1176935119857570, 2019
Extracting fuzzy classification rules with gene expression programming
MH Marghny, IE El-Semman
ALML 2005 Conference, 2005
ASGOP: An aggregated similarity-based greedy-oriented approach for relational DDBSs design
AA Amer, MH Mohamed, K Al_Asri
Heliyon 6 (1), 2020
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Articles 1–20