Niloofar Taghipour
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Potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae isolated from hospital wards with immunodeficient patients in Tehran, Iran
Z Lasjerdi, M Niyyati, A Haghighi, S Shahabi, FT Biderouni, N Taghipour, ...
Parasitology research 109, 575-580, 2011
Subtype analysis of Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis isolates from humans and cattle in Iran
E Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad, A Haghighi, N Taghipour, A Keshavarz, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 179 (1-3), 250-252, 2011
Comparison of real-time PCR and conventional PCR with two DNA targets for detection of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum infection in human and dog blood samples
A Mohammadiha, M Mohebali, A Haghighi, R Mahdian, AR Abadi, Z Zarei, ...
Experimental Parasitology 133 (1), 89-94, 2013
Comparison of the RE and B1 gene for detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection in children with cancer
SH Fallahi, B Kazemi, M Bandehpour, Z Lasjerdi, N Taghipour, ...
Parasitology international 63 (1), 37-41, 2014
An experimental model of colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium from acute progresses to chronicity in C57BL/6: correlation between conditions of mice and the environment
N Taghipour, M Molaei, N Mosaffa, M Rostami-Nejad, HA Aghdaei, ...
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from bed to Bench 9 (1), 45, 2016
Isolation of Acanthamoeba species in surface waters of Gilan province-north of Iran
MR Mahmoudi, N Taghipour, M Eftekhar, A Haghighi, P Karanis
Parasitology Research 110, 473-477, 2012
Molecular epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis in Iranian children, Tehran, Iran
N Taghipour, E Nazemalhosseini-Mojarad, A Haghighi, M Rostami-Nejad, ...
Iranian Journal of parasitology 6 (4), 41, 2011
Thermotolerant Acanthamoeba spp. isolated from therapeutic hot springs in northwestern Iran
R Solgi, M Niyyati, A Haghighi, N Taghipour, SJS Tabaei, M Eftekhar, ...
Journal of Water and Health 10 (4), 650-656, 2012
Canine visceral leishmaniasis: a comparative study of real-time PCR, conventional PCR, and direct agglutination on sera for the detection of Leishmania infantum infection
A Mohammadiha, A Haghighi, M Mohebali, R Mahdian, AR Abadi, Z Zarei, ...
Veterinary parasitology 192 (1-3), 83-90, 2013
Molecular identification of animal isolates of Echinococcus granulosus from Iran using four mitochondrial genes
MR Nejad, N Taghipour, Z Nochi, EN Mojarad, SR Mohebbi, MF Harandi, ...
Journal of helminthology 86 (4), 485-492, 2012
Identification of Leishmania species isolated from human cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Gonbad-e-Qabus city using a PCR method during 2006-2007.
F Mesgarian, N Rahbarian, M Mahmoudi Rad, H Hajaran, F Shahbaz, ...
Tehran University Medical Journal 68 (4), 2010
Genotyping of Acanthamoeba isolated from water in recreational areas of Tehran, Iran
M Nazar, A Haghighi, M Niyyati, M Eftekhar, F Tahvildar-Biderouni, ...
Journal of water and health 9 (3), 603-608, 2011
Antibiotic resistance pattern of E. coli isolated from urine culture in 660 Army clinical laboratory center in Tehran 2008
Application of recombinant Echinococcus granulosus antigen B to ELISA kits for diagnosing hydatidosis
E Kalantari, M Bandehpour, R Pazoki, N Taghipoor-Lailabadi, H Khazan, ...
Parasitology research 106, 847-851, 2010
Ophthalmology hospital wards contamination to pathogenic free living Amoebae in Iran
Z Lasjerdi, M Niyyati, J Lorenzo-Morales, AN Haghighi, N Taghipour
Acta Parasitologica 60 (3), 417-422, 2015
Potential treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: a review of helminths therapy
N Taghipour, HA Aghdaei, A Haghighi, N Mossafa, SJS Tabaei, ...
Gastroenterology and hepatology from bed to bench 7 (1), 9, 2014
Prevalence and genetic characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. in diarrheic children from Gonbad Kavoos City, Iran
M Sharbatkhori, EN Mojarad, N Taghipour, AS Pagheh, F Mesgarian
Iranian Journal of Parasitology 10 (3), 441, 2015
Presence and diversity of Leishmania RNA virus in an old zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis focus, northeastern Iran: haplotype and phylogenetic based approach
R Saberi, M Fakhar, H Hajjaran, A Ataei-Pirkooh, M Mohebali, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 101, 6-13, 2020
Genotyping of Cryptosporidium spp. in clinical samples: PCR-RFLP analysis of the TRAP-C2 gene
EN Mojarad, A Keshavarz, N Taghipour, A Haghighi, B Kazemi, A Athari
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from bed to bench 4 (1), 29, 2011
Application of multiplex PCR for detection and differentiation of Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar and Entamoeba moshkovskii
N Zebardast, A Haghighi, F Yeganeh, SJS Tabaei, MJ Gharavi, S Fallahi, ...
Iranian journal of parasitology 9 (4), 466, 2014
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Articles 1–20