Hongyi Wu
Hongyi Wu
IEEE Fellow, Professor and Department Head, ECE, The University of Arizona
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Integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying systems: iCAR
H Wu, C Qiao, S De, O Tonguz
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communications 19 (10), 2105-2115, 2001
Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Network (DFT-MSN): A new paradigm for pervasive information gathering
Y Wang, H Wu
IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 6 (9), 1021-1034, 2007
DFT-MSN: The Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Network for Pervasive Information Gathering.
Y Wang, H Wu
RFID-based 3-D positioning schemes
C Wang, H Wu, NF Tzeng
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Clustering and cluster-based routing protocol for delay-tolerant mobile networks
H Dang, H Wu
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (6), 1874-1881, 2010
A tree-cluster-based data-gathering algorithm for industrial WSNs with a mobile sink
C Zhu, S Wu, G Han, L Shu, H Wu
IEEE Access 3, 381-396, 2015
Meshed multipath routing with selective forwarding: an efficient strategy in wireless sensor networks
S De, C Qiao, H Wu
Computer Networks 43 (4), 481-497, 2003
Performance analysis of optical burst switched node with deflection routing
Y Chen, H Wu, D Xu, C Qiao
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC'03. 2, 1355-1359, 2003
Novel self-configurable positioning technique for multihop wireless networks
H Wu, C Wang, NF Tzeng
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 13 (3), 609-621, 2005
A few-shot deep learning approach for improved intrusion detection
MMU Chowdhury, F Hammond, G Konowicz, C Xin, H Wu, J Li
2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile …, 2017
iCAR: an integrated cellular and ad-hoc relay system
C Qiao, H Wu
Proceedings Ninth International Conference on Computer Communications and …, 2000
Self-interest-driven incentives for ad dissemination in autonomous mobile social networks
T Ning, Z Yang, H Wu, Z Han
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2310-2318, 2013
Grid-based approach for working node selection in wireless sensor networks
H Chen, H Wu, NF Tzeng
2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
GELU-Net: A Globally Encrypted, Locally Unencrypted Deep Neural Network for Privacy-Preserved Learning.
Q Zhang, C Wang, H Wu, C Xin, TV Phuong
IJCAI, 3933-3939, 2018
Incentive-aware data dissemination in delay-tolerant mobile networks
T Ning, Z Yang, X Xie, H Wu
2011 8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and …, 2011
Meshed multipath routing: An efficient strategy in sensor networks
S De, C Qiao, H Wu
2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 3, 1912-1917, 2003
Crowdsourcing with tullock contests: A new perspective
T Luo, SS Kanhere, HP Tan, F Wu, H Wu
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2515-2523, 2015
Cambrian trilobites
YH Lu, WT Zhang, YY Qian, ZL Zhu, HL Lin, ZY Zhou, Y Qian, SG Zhang, ...
Handbook of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of southwest China. Science Press …, 1974
Replication-Based efficient data delivery scheme (RED) for Delay/Fault-Tolerant mobile sensor network (DFT-MSN)
Y Wang, H Wu
Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and …, 2006
Analytic, simulation, and empirical evaluation of delay/fault-tolerant mobile sensor networks
H Wu, Y Wang, H Dang, F Lin
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (9), 3287-3296, 2007
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Articles 1–20