Giancarlo Valente
Giancarlo Valente
Associate Professor, Maastricht University, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience
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Combining multivariate voxel selection and support vector machines for mapping and classification of fMRI spatial patterns
F De Martino, G Valente, N Staeren, J Ashburner, R Goebel, E Formisano
Neuroimage 43 (1), 44-58, 2008
Multivariate analysis of fMRI time series: classification and regression of brain responses using machine learning
E Formisano, F De Martino, G Valente
Magnetic resonance imaging 26 (7), 921-934, 2008
Fast Gaussian Naïve Bayes for searchlight classification analysis
M Ontivero-Ortega, A Lage-Castellanos, G Valente, R Goebel, ...
Neuroimage 163, 471-479, 2017
The default mode network and the working memory network are not anti-correlated during all phases of a working memory task
T Piccoli, G Valente, DEJ Linden, M Re, F Esposito, AT Sack, FD Salle
PloS one 10 (4), e0123354, 2015
Auditory cortex encodes the perceptual interpretation of ambiguous sound
N Kilian-Hütten, G Valente, J Vroomen, E Formisano
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (5), 1715-1720, 2011
Brain-based translation: fMRI decoding of spoken words in bilinguals reveals language-independent semantic representations in anterior temporal lobe
J Correia, E Formisano, G Valente, L Hausfeld, B Jansma, M Bonte
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (1), 332-338, 2014
Task-dependent decoding of speaker and vowel identity from auditory cortical response patterns
M Bonte, L Hausfeld, W Scharke, G Valente, E Formisano
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (13), 4548-4557, 2014
The effect of spatial resolution on decoding accuracy in fMRI multivariate pattern analysis
A Gardumi, D Ivanov, L Hausfeld, G Valente, E Formisano, K Uludağ
Neuroimage 132, 32-42, 2016
Reconstructing the spectrotemporal modulations of real-life sounds from fMRI response patterns
R Santoro, M Moerel, F De Martino, G Valente, K Ugurbil, E Yacoub, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (18), 4799-4804, 2017
Integration of “what” and “where” in frontal cortex during visual imagery of scenes
AW de Borst, AT Sack, BM Jansma, F Esposito, F De Martino, G Valente, ...
Neuroimage 60 (1), 47-58, 2012
How to test for phasic modulation of neural and behavioural responses
B Zoefel, MH Davis, G Valente, L Riecke
Neuroimage 202, 116175, 2019
Cortical tracking of multiple streams outside the focus of attention in naturalistic auditory scenes
L Hausfeld, L Riecke, G Valente, E Formisano
NeuroImage 181, 617-626, 2018
Cross-validation and permutations in MVPA: Validity of permutation strategies and power of cross-validation schemes
G Valente, AL Castellanos, L Hausfeld, F De Martino, E Formisano
Neuroimage 238, 118145, 2021
Learning of new sound categories shapes neural response patterns in human auditory cortex
A Ley, J Vroomen, L Hausfeld, G Valente, P De Weerd, E Formisano
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (38), 13273-13280, 2012
Functional source separation from magnetoencephalographic signals
G Barbati, R Sigismondi, F Zappasodi, C Porcaro, S Graziadio, G Valente, ...
Human brain mapping 27 (12), 925-934, 2006
Dynamic and task-dependent encoding of speech and voice by phase reorganization of cortical oscillations
M Bonte, G Valente, E Formisano
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (6), 1699-1706, 2009
Predicting EEG single trial responses with simultaneous fMRI and relevance vector machine regression
F De Martino, AW De Borst, G Valente, R Goebel, E Formisano
Neuroimage 56 (2), 826-836, 2011
Methods for computing the maximum performance of computational models of fMRI responses
A Lage-Castellanos, G Valente, E Formisano, F De Martino
PLoS computational biology 15 (3), e1006397, 2019
Opponent coding of sound location (azimuth) in planum temporale is robust to sound-level variations
K Derey, G Valente, B de Gelder, E Formisano
Cerebral cortex 26 (1), 450-464, 2016
Intermediate acoustic-to-semantic representations link behavioral and neural responses to natural sounds
BL Giordano, M Esposito, G Valente, E Formisano
Nature Neuroscience 26 (4), 664-672, 2023
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Articles 1–20