Re-Bing Wu
Re-Bing Wu
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Quantum feedback: theory, experiments, and applications
J Zhang, Y Liu, RB Wu, K Jacobs, F Nori
Physics Reports 679, 1-60, 2017
Learning robust and high-precision quantum controls
RB Wu, H Ding, D Dong, X Wang
Physical Review A 99 (4), 042327, 2019
Controllable optical response by modifying the gain and loss of a mechanical resonator and cavity mode in an optomechanical system
YL Liu, R Wu, J Zhang, ŞK Özdemir, L Yang, F Nori, Y Liu
Physical Review A 95 (1), 013843, 2017
Protecting coherence and entanglement by quantum feedback controls
J Zhang, RB Wu, CW Li, TJ Tarn
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (3), 619-633, 2010
Decoherence suppression via non-Markovian coherent feedback control
SB Xue, RB Wu, WM Zhang, J Zhang, CW Li, TJ Tarn
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (5), 052304, 2012
Exploring the tradeoff between fidelity and time optimal control of quantum unitary transformations
KW Moore Tibbetts, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, DL Hocker, TS Ho, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062309, 2012
Control landscapes for observable preparation with open quantum systems
R Wu, A Pechen, H Rabitz, M Hsieh, B Tsou
Journal of mathematical physics 49 (2), 2008
Control landscapes for two-level open quantum systems
A Pechen, D Prokhorenko, R Wu, H Rabitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (4), 045205, 2008
Non-Markovian quantum input-output networks
J Zhang, Y Liu, RB Wu, K Jacobs, F Nori
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032117, 2013
Singularities of quantum control landscapes
RB Wu, R Long, J Dominy, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013405, 2012
Quantum coherent nonlinear feedback with applications to quantum optics on chip
J Zhang, RB Wu, Y Liu, CW Li, TJ Tarn
IEEE transactions on automatic control 57 (8), 1997-2008, 2012
Smooth controllability of infinite-dimensional quantum-mechanical systems
RB Wu, TJ Tarn, CW Li
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 012719, 2006
Data-driven gradient algorithm for high-precision quantum control
RB Wu, B Chu, DH Owens, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 97 (4), 042122, 2018
Characterization of the critical submanifolds in quantum ensemble control landscapes
R Wu, H Rabitz, M Hsieh
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (1), 015006, 2007
Control of quantum dynamics by optimized measurements
F Shuang, M Zhou, A Pechen, R Wu, OM Shir, H Rabitz
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (6), 063422, 2008
Searching for quantum optimal controls under severe constraints
G Riviello, KM Tibbetts, C Brif, R Long, RB Wu, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 91 (4), 043401, 2015
Characterization of control noise effects in optimal quantum unitary dynamics
D Hocker, C Brif, MD Grace, A Donovan, TS Ho, KM Tibbetts, R Wu, ...
Physical Review A 90 (6), 062309, 2014
Robust quantum control in games: An adversarial learning approach
X Ge, H Ding, H Rabitz, RB Wu
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052317, 2020
Searching for quantum optimal control fields in the presence of singular critical points
G Riviello, C Brif, R Long, RB Wu, KM Tibbetts, TS Ho, H Rabitz
Physical Review A 90 (1), 013404, 2014
Maximal suppression of decoherence in Markovian quantum systems
J Zhang, CW Li, RB Wu, TJ Tarn, XS Liu
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (29), 6587, 2005
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