Frances M. Shapter
Frances M. Shapter
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Domestication to Crop Improvement: Genetic Resources for Sorghum and Saccharum (Andropogoneae)
SL Dillon, FM Shapter, RJ Henry, G Cordeiro, L Izquierdo, LS Lee
Annals of botany 100 (5), 975-989, 2007
Endosperm and starch granule morphology in wild cereal relatives
FM Shapter, RJ Henry, LS Lee
Plant Genetic Resources 6 (2), 85-97, 2008
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR): general methods
DLE Waters, FM Shapter
Cereal Genomics: Methods and Protocols, 65-75, 2014
Robust allele-specific polymerase chain reaction markers developed for single nucleotide polymorphisms in expressed barley sequences
PC Bundock, MJ Cross, FM Shapter, RJ Henry
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 112, 358-365, 2006
High-throughput sequencing and mutagenesis to accelerate the domestication of Microlaena stipoides as a new food crop
FM Shapter, M Cross, G Ablett, S Malory, IH Chivers, GJ King, RJ Henry
PloS one 8 (12), e82641, 2013
Genome diversity in wild grasses under environmental stress
TL Fitzgerald, FM Shapter, S McDonald, DLE Waters, IH Chivers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (52), 21140-21145, 2011
Characterizing homologues of crop domestication genes in poorly described wild relatives by high‐throughput sequencing of whole genomes
S Malory, FM Shapter, MS Elphinstone, IH Chivers, RJ Henry
Plant Biotechnology Journal 9 (9), 1131-1140, 2011
The endosperm morphology of rice and its wild relatives as observed by scanning electron microscopy
S Kasem, DLE Waters, NF Rice, FM Shapter, RJ Henry
Rice 4, 12-20, 2011
Variation in granule bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) loci amongst Australian wild cereal relatives (Poaceae)
FM Shapter, P Eggler, LS Lee, RJ Henry
Journal of Cereal Science 49 (1), 4-11, 2009
Identification of bacteria and fungi sampled from the conjunctival surface of normal horses in South‐East Queensland, Australia
ECGM Hampson, JS Gibson, M Barot, FM Shapter, RM Greer
Veterinary ophthalmology 22 (3), 265-275, 2019
Whole grain morphology of Australian rice species
S Kasem, DLE Waters, N Rice, FM Shapter, RJ Henry
Plant Genetic Resources 8 (1), 74-81, 2010
Genome walking
FM Shapter, DLE Waters
Cereal Genomics: Methods and Protocols, 133-146, 2014
Analysis of adaptive ribosomal gene diversity in wild plant populations from contrasting climatic environments
FM Shapter, TL Fitzgerald, DLE Waters, S McDonald, IH Chivers, E Nevo, ...
Plant Signaling & Behavior 7 (6), 602-604, 2012
A Bhattacharya, N Rice, FM Shapter, SL Norton, RJ Henry
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources: Cereals, 397-406, 2011
Aleurone and subaleurone morphology in native Australian wild cereal relatives
FM Shapter, MP Dawes, LS Lee, RJ Henry
Australian Journal of Botany 57 (8), 688-696, 2010
Robust allele-specific PCR markers developed for SNPs in expressed barley sequences
PC Bundock, MJ Cross, FM Shapter, RJ Henry
Theor Appl Genet 112, 358-365, 2006
Domestication to crop improvement: genetic resources for
SL Dillon, FM Shapter, RJ Henry, G Cordeiro, L Izquierdo, LS Lee
Sorghum, 2007
Simulated clinical skills for veterinary students supplement limited animal and clinical resources in developing countries
JM Seddon, ATT Vo, SR Kempster, HJ Lee, TT Nguyen, K Munce, ...
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 47 (s1), 92-98, 2020
The domestication, spread and uses of sorghum as a crop.
FM Shapter, A Crowther, G Fox, ID Godwin, L Watson-Fox, IJC Hannah, ...
Equine Crofton Weed (Ageratina spp.) Pneumotoxicity: What Do We Know and What Do We Need to Know?
FM Shapter, JL Granados-Soler, AJ Stewart, FR Bertin, R Allavena
Animals 13 (13), 2082, 2023
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Articles 1–20