François Lusseyran
François Lusseyran
Directeur de recherche émérite au CNRS, LISN
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Visualizations of the flow inside an open cavity at medium range Reynolds numbers
TM Faure, P Adrianos, F Lusseyran, L Pastur
Experiments in Fluids 42, 169-184, 2007
Initiation of slugs in horizontal gas‐liquid flows
Z Fan, F Lusseyran, TJ Hanratty
AIChE Journal 39 (11), 1741-1753, 1993
Experimental investigation of global structures in an incompressible cavity flow using time-resolved PIV
J Basley, LR Pastur, F Lusseyran, TM Faure, N Delprat
Experiments in Fluids 50, 905-918, 2011
Three-dimensional centrifugal instabilities development inside a parallelepipedic open cavity of various shape
TM Faure, L Pastur, F Lusseyran, Y Fraigneau, D Bisch
Experiments in Fluids 47, 395-410, 2009
A reconstruction method for the flow past an open cavity
B Podvin, Y Fraigneau, F Lusseyran, P Gougat
Stabilization of the fluidic pinball with gradient-enriched machine learning control
GYC Maceda, Y Li, F Lusseyran, M Morzyński, BR Noack
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 917, A42, 2021
Space-time aspects of a three-dimensional multi-modulated open cavity flow
J Basley, LR Pastur, N Delprat, F Lusseyran
Physics of Fluids 25 (6), 2013
POD-spectral decomposition for fluid flow analysis and model reduction
A Cammilleri, F Guéniat, J Carlier, L Pastur, E Mémin, F Lusseyran, ...
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 27, 787-815, 2013
Recovering deterministic behavior from experimental time series in mixing reactor
C Letellier, LL Sceller, G Gouesbet, F Lusseyran, A Kemoun, B Izrar
AIChE Journal 43 (9), 2194-2202, 1997
Interaction between the Ekman layer and the Couette–Taylor instability
V Sobolık, B Izrar, F Lusseyran, S Skali
International journal of heat and mass transfer 43 (24), 4381-4393, 2000
Successive bifurcations in a fully three-dimensional open cavity flow
F Picella, JC Loiseau, F Lusseyran, JC Robinet, S Cherubini, L Pastur
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844, 855-877, 2018
On the modulating effect of three-dimensional instabilities in open cavity flows
J Basley, LR Pastur, F Lusseyran, J Soria, N Delprat
Journal of fluid mechanics 759, 546-578, 2014
Flow coherent structures and frequency signature: Application of the dynamic modes decomposition to open cavity flow
F Lusseyran, F Guéniat, J Basley, CL Douay, LR Pastur, TM Faure, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318 (4), 042036, 2011
Determining the spectral signature of spatial coherent structures in an open cavity flow
LR Pastur, F Lusseyran, Y Fraigneau, B Podvin
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 72 (6 …, 2005
Dynamical analysis of an intermittency in an open cavity flow
F Lusseyran, L Pastur, C Letellier
Physics of Fluids 20 (11), 2008
Quantifying the nonlinear mode competition in the flow over an open cavity at medium Reynolds number
LR Pastur, F Lusseyran, TM Faure, Y Fraigneau, R Pethieu, P Debesse
Experiments in fluids 44, 597-608, 2008
Investigating mode competition and three-dimensional features from two-dimensional velocity fields in an open cavity flow by modal decompositions
F Guéniat, L Pastur, F Lusseyran
Physics of Fluids 26 (8), 2014
Qualitative dynamics of wave packets in turbulent jets
O Semeraro, F Lusseyran, L Pastur, P Jordan
Physical Review Fluids 2 (9), 094605, 2017
Numerical simulations of natural convection around a line‐source
S Xin, MC Duluc, F Lusseyran, P Le Quéré
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 14 (7), 830-850, 2004
Nonlinear dynamics and hydrodynamic feedback in two-dimensional double cavity flow
F Tuerke, L Pastur, Y Fraigneau, D Sciamarella, F Lusseyran, G Artana
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 813, 1-22, 2017
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Articles 1–20