Claude Berrou
Claude Berrou
IMT Atlantique
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Cited by
Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes. 1
C Berrou, A Glavieux, P Thitimajshima
Proceedings of ICC'93-IEEE International Conference on Communications 2 …, 1993
Near optimum error correcting coding and decoding: Turbo-codes
C Berrou, A Glavieux
IEEE Transactions on communications 44 (10), 1261-1271, 1996
Iterative correction of intersymbol interference: turbo‐equalization
C Douillard, M Jézéquel, C Berrou, D Electronique, A Picart, P Didier, ...
European transactions on telecommunications 6 (5), 507-511, 1995
Coded orthogonal frequency division multiplex [TV broadcasting]
B Le Floch, M Alard, C Berrou
Proceedings of the IEEE 83 (6), 982-996, 1995
Turbo-codes and high spectral efficiency modulation
S Le Goff, A Glavieux, C Berrou
Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'94-1994 International Conference on …, 1994
A low complexity soft-output Viterbi decoder architecture
C Berrou, P Adde, E Angui, S Faudeil
Proceedings of ICC'93-IEEE International Conference on Communications 2, 737-740, 1993
Error-correction coding method with at least two systematic convolutional codings in parallel, corresponding iterative decoding method, decoding module and decoder
C Berrou
US Patent 5,446,747, 1995
Turbo codes with rate-m/(m+ 1) constituent convolutional codes
C Douillard, C Berrou
IEEE transactions on communications 53 (10), 1630-1638, 2005
EEG source connectivity analysis: from dense array recordings to brain networks
M Hassan, O Dufor, I Merlet, C Berrou, F Wendling
PloS one 9 (8), e105041, 2014
Designing good permutations for turbo codes: towards a single model
C Berrou, Y Saouter, C Douillard, S Kerouédan, M Jezequel
2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
The ten-year-old turbo codes are entering into service
C Berrou
IEEE communications magazine 41 (8), 110-116, 2003
Sparse neural networks with large learning diversity
V Gripon, C Berrou
IEEE transactions on neural networks 22 (7), 1087-1096, 2011
Method for detecting information bits processed by concatenated block codes
R Pyndiah, A Glavieux, C Berrou
US Patent 5,563,897, 1996
Codes et turbocodes
C Berrou
Springer Paris, 2010
The advantages of non-binary turbo codes
C Berrou, M Jezequel, C Douillard, S Kerouedan
Proceedings 2001 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (Cat. No. 01EX494), 61-63, 2001
Non-binary convolutional codes for turbo coding
C Berrou, M Jézéquel
Electronics letters 35 (1), 39-40, 1999
Method for a maximum likelihood decoding of a convolutional code with decision weighting, and corresponding decoder
C Berrou, P Adde
US Patent 5,406,570, 1995
The turbo code standard for DVB-RCS
C Douillard, M Jezequel, C Berrou, N Brengarth, J Tousch, N Pham
2nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, 2000
Computing the minimum distance of linear codes by the error impulse method
C Berrou, S Vaton, M Jezequel, C Douillard
Global Telecommunications Conference, 2002. GLOBECOM'02. IEEE 2, 1017-1020, 2002
MHOMS: high-speed ACM modem for satellite applications
S Benedetto, R Garello, G Montorsi, C Berrou, C Douillard, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 12 (2), 66-77, 2005
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Articles 1–20