Kentaro K. Shimizu
Kentaro K. Shimizu
Professor at the University of Zurich, and Guest Professor at the Yokohama City University
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Cited by
Multiple wheat genomes reveal global variation in modern breeding
S Walkowiak, L Gao, C Monat, G Haberer, MT Kassa, J Brinton, ...
Nature 588 (7837), 277-283, 2020
Estimating genomic diversity and population differentiation–an empirical comparison of microsatellite and SNP variation in Arabidopsis halleri
MC Fischer, C Rellstab, M Leuzinger, M Roumet, F Gugerli, KK Shimizu, ...
BMC genomics 18 (1), 69, 2017
Attractive and repulsive interactions between female and male gametophytes in Arabidopsis pollen tube guidance
KK Shimizu, K Okada
Development 127 (20), 4511-4518, 2000
The wheat powdery mildew genome shows the unique evolution of an obligate biotroph
T Wicker, S Oberhaensli, F Parlange, JP Buchmann, M Shatalina, ...
Nature Genetics 45 (9), 1092-1096, 2013
Diversity at the Mla Powdery Mildew Resistance Locus from Cultivated Barley Reveals Sites of Positive Selection
S Seeholzer, T Tsuchimatsu, T Jordan, S Bieri, S Pajonk, W Yang, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23 (4), 497-509, 2010
Sequencing of the genus Arabidopsis identifies a complex history of nonbifurcating speciation and abundant trans-specific polymorphism
PY Novikova, N Hohmann, V Nizhynska, T Tsuchimatsu, J Ali, G Muir, ...
Nature genetics 48 (9), 1077-1082, 2016
Hybridization of powdery mildew strains gives rise to pathogens on novel agricultural crop species
F Menardo, CR Praz, S Wyder, R Ben-David, S Bourras, H Matsumae, ...
Nature Genetics 48 (2), 201-205, 2016
Robust control of the seasonal expression of the Arabidopsis FLC gene in a fluctuating environment
S Aikawa, MJ Kobayashi, A Satake, KK Shimizu, H Kudoh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (25), 11632, 2010
Reference-guided de novo assembly approach improves genome reconstruction for related species
HEL Lischer, KK Shimizu
BMC bioinformatics 18 (1), 474, 2017
Evolution of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis by a mutation in the male specificity gene
T Tsuchimatsu, K Suwabe, R Shimizu-Inatsugi, S Isokawa, P Pavlidis, ...
Nature 464 (7293), 1342-1346, 2010
Molecular basis of flowering under natural long-day conditions in Arabidopsis
YH Song, A Kubota, MS Kwon, MF Covington, N Lee, ER Taagen, ...
Nature Plants 4 (10), 824-835, 2018
Evolution of selfing: recurrent patterns in molecular adaptation
KK Shimizu, T Tsuchimatsu
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 46, 593-622, 2015
Evolution and control of imprinted FWA genes in the genus Arabidopsis
R Fujimoto, Y Kinoshita, A Kawabe, T Kinoshita, K Takashima, ...
PLoS Genetics 4 (4), e1000048, 2008
Gene duplication and genetic exchange drive the evolution of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility in Petunia
K Kubo, T Paape, M Hatakeyama, T Entani, A Takara, K Kajihara, ...
Nature Plants 1 (1), 14005, 2015
Population genomic footprints of selection and associations with climate in natural populations of Arabidopsis halleri from the Alps
MC Fischer, C Rellstab, A Tedder, S Zoller, F Gugerli, KK Shimizu, ...
Molecular ecology 22 (22), 5594-5607, 2013
The allopolyploid Arabidopsis kamchatica originated from multiple individuals of Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri
RIE Shimizu‐Inatsugi, J Lihova, H Iwanaga, H Kudoh, K Marhold, ...
Molecular Ecology 18 (19), 4024-4048, 2009
Genome assembly and annotation of Arabidopsis halleri, a model for heavy metal hyperaccumulation and evolutionary ecology
RV Briskine, T Paape, R Shimizu‐Inatsugi, T Nishiyama, S Akama, J Sese, ...
Molecular ecology resources 17 (5), 1025-1036, 2017
Genome-wide quantification of homeolog expression ratio revealed nonstochastic gene regulation in synthetic allopolyploid Arabidopsis
S Akama, R Shimizu-Inatsugi, KK Shimizu, J Sese
Nucleic acids research 42 (6), e46-e46, 2014
Using knockout mutants to reveal the growth costs of defensive traits
T Züst, B Joseph, KK Shimizu, DJ Kliebenstein, LA Turnbull
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1718), 2598-2603, 2011
Multiple hybrid de novo genome assembly of finger millet, an orphan allotetraploid crop
M Hatakeyama, S Aluri, MT Balachadran, SR Sivarajan, A Patrignani, ...
DNA Research 25 (1), 39-47, 2018
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Articles 1–20