Associate Professor, Centre for Research on Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
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Cited by
Polymer reinforced by flax fibres as a viscoelastoplastic material
C Poilâne, ZE Cherif, F Richard, A Vivet, BB Doudou, J Chen
Composite Structures 112, 100-112, 2014
A chemical method to graft carbon nanotubes onto a carbon fiber
A Laachachi, A Vivet, G Nouet, BB Doudou, C Poilâne, J Chen, ...
Materials Letters 62 (3), 394-397, 2008
Influence of textile treatment on mechanical and sorption properties of flax/epoxy composites
ZE Cherif, C Poilâne, T Falher, A Vivet, N Ouail, BB Doudou, J Chen
Polymer composites 34 (10), 1761-1773, 2013
About optimal architecture of plant fibre textile composite for mechanical and sorption properties
ZE Cherif, C Poilâne, A Vivet, BB Doudou, J Chen
Composite Structures 140, 240-251, 2016
Synthesis characterization, optical and electrical properties of polyvinyl alcohol/multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites: A composition dependence study
A Chebil, BB Doudou, C Dridi, M Dammak
Materials Science and Engineering: B 243, 125-130, 2019
Synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites films with graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nanosheets
M Goumri, C Poilâne, P Ruterana, BB Doudou, J Wéry, A Bakour, ...
Chinese Journal of Physics 55 (2), 412-422, 2017
Hybrid carbon nanotube—silica/polyvinyl alcohol nanocomposites films: preparation and characterisation
B Ben Doudou, A Vivet, J Chen, A Laachachi, T Falher, C Poilâne
Journal of Polymer Research 21, 1-9, 2014
Crystallization and melting behaviour of poly(m-xylene adipamide)
B Doudou, E Dargent, J Grenet
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 85 (2), 409-415, 2006
Relationship between draw ratio and strain-Induced crystallinity in uniaxially hot-Drawn PET MXD6 films
BB Doudou, E Dargent, J Grenet
Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting 21 (3), 233-251, 2005
Permeation Properties of Poly(m-xylene adipamide) Membranes
CL Buquet, BB Doudou, C Chappey, E Dargent, S Marais
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (11), 3445-3452, 2009
A method for the chemical anchoring of carbon nanotubes onto carbon fibre and its impact on the strength of carbon fibre composites
A Vivet, BB Doudou, C Poilâne, J Chen, MH Ayachi
Journal of materials science 46, 1322-1327, 2011
Propriétés mécaniques de préimprégnés lin/époxyde
C Poilâne, A Vivet, L Momayez, BB Doudou, M Ayachi, J Chen
Compte rendu des JNC16, Toulouse, 2009
Size-dependent properties of amino-functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes
BB Doudou, J Chen, A Vivet, C Poîlane, M Ayachi
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 967 (2-3), 231-234, 2011
Prism coupling technique investigation of optical and thermo-optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl alcohol/silica nanocomposite films
BB Doudou, H Jaouadi, C Dridi
Optics Communications 492, 126984, 2021
Role of Stone–Wales defects on the functionalization of (8, 0) single wall carbon nanotubes by the amine group: Ab initio study
BB Doudou, J Chen, A Vivet, C Poîlane, M Ayachi
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 44 (1), 120-123, 2011
Barrier properties and microstructure modifications induced by liquid water for a semiaromatic polyamide
BB Doudou, E Dargent, S Marais, J Grenet, Y Hirata
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 43 (18), 2604-2616, 2005
Optical and thermo-optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol/carbon nanotubes composites investigated by prism coupling technique
BB Doudou, I Chiba, HS Daoues
Optical Materials 131, 112672, 2022
Etude en rupture d'un composite à fibres végétales d'Alfa
M Khaldi, A Vivet, C Poilâne, BB Doudou, J Chen, A Bourmaud, Z Sereir
Conférence Matériaux 2014-Colloque Ecomatériau, 2014
Ab initio study of the size-dependent effect on the covalent functionalization of single walled carbon nanotubes with hydroxyl, amine and carboxyl groups
BB Doudou, J Chen, A Vivet, C PoîLane
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (11), 8635-8639, 2012
Propriétés mécaniques de préimprégnés lin/époxyde= Mechanical properties of flax/epoxy industrial prepregs
C Poilâne, A Vivet, L Momayez, BB Doudou, MH Ayachi, J Chen
JNC 16, 10 p., 2009
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Articles 1–20