Lauren Richter
Cited by
Cited by
Guideline levels for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water: the role of scientific uncertainty, risk assessment decisions, and social factors
A Cordner, VY De La Rosa, LA Schaider, RA Rudel, L Richter, P Brown
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology 29 (2), 157-171, 2019
Non-stick science: Sixty years of research and (in) action on fluorinated compounds
L Richter, A Cordner, P Brown
Social Studies of Science 45 (5), 691-714, 2018
Producing Ignorance Through Regulatory Structure: The Case of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
L Richter, P Cordner, Alissa' Brown
Sociological Perspectives 64 (4), 2021
History of US Presidential Assaults on Modern Environmental Health Protection
L Fredrickson, C Sellers, L Dillion, J Ohayon, N Shapiro, M Sullivan, ...
American Journal of Public Health 108 (S2), S95-S103, 2018
Constructing Insignificance: Critical Race Perspectives on Institutional Failure in Environmental Justice Communities
L Richter
Environmental Sociology, 2018
Durkheim on the Environment Ex Libris or Ex Cathedra? Introduction to Inaugural Lecture to a Course in Social Science, 1887-1888
EA Rosa, L Richter
Organization & Environment 21 (2), 182-187, 2008
Can Chemical-class Approaches Replace Chemical-by-Chemical Strategies? Lessons from Recent FDA Regulatory Action on Perfluorinated Compounds.
A Cordner, L Richter, P Brown
Environmental Science and Technology 50 (23), 12584-12591, 2016
Risky Business? Manufacturer and Retailer Action to Remove Per-and Polyfluorinated Chemicals From Consumer Products
EM Cousins, L Richter, A Cordner, P Brown, S Diallo
NEW SOLUTIONS: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy 29 …, 2019
Optimizing chemicals management in the United States and Canada through the essential-use approach
SA Balan, DQ Andrews, A Blum, ML Diamond, SR Fernández, E Harriman, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 57 (4), 1568-1575, 2023
Environmental chemicals and public sociology: engaged scholarship on highly fluorinated compounds
A Cordner, L Richter, P Brown
Environmental Sociology 5 (4), 339-351, 2019
Challenging the white spaces of environmental sociology
RS Liévanos, E Wilder, L Richter, J Carrera, M Mascarenhas
Environmental Sociology 7 (2), 103-109, 2021
Correction: Guideline levels for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water: the role of scientific uncertainty, risk assessment decisions, and social factors
A Cordner, VY De La Rosa, LA Schaider, RA Rudel, L Richter, P Brown
Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 30 (3), 585-586, 2020
Diversity in sociology and environmental sociology: What we know about our discipline
M Mascarenhas, J Carrera, L Richter, E Wilder
American Sociological Association, Section on Environment and Technology …, 2017
Persistent chemicals, persistent activism: scientific opportunity structures and social movement organizing on contamination by per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances
JL Ohayon, A Cordner, A Amico, P Brown, L Richter
Social Movement Studies, 1-23, 2023
Challenging Dominant Breast Cancer Research Agendas: Perspectives on the Outcomes of the Interagency Breast Cancer and Environment Research Coordinating Committee
L Richter
Environmental Health 18 (41), 2019
The EPA under Siege: Trump’s Assault in History and Testimony
C Sellers, L Dillon, JL Ohayon, N Shapiro, M Sullivan, C Amoss, ...
Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI), 2017
Confronting White Space and White Ignorance: A Summary of the Committee on Racial Equity's Mission and Work (2016-2019)
E Wilder, L Richter, M Mascarenhas, R Lievanos, J Carrera
Environmental Sociology Section Newsletter, 2019
Unseen Science: The Social Re-Discovery of Per–and Polyfluorinated Chemicals
L Richter
Northeastern University Boston, 2018
Patterns of Hazardous Waste in the United States: Analyzing Rural Environmental Justice with Spatial Data
LE Richter
Washington State University, 2008
Organizational encounters with risk
EA Rosa, L Richter
American Journal of Sociology 113 (3), 886-888, 2007
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Articles 1–20