Anang Kurnia
Anang Kurnia
Statistics and Data Science - IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
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Cited by
Smotebagging algorithm for imbalanced dataset in logistic regression analysis (case: Credit of bank x)
FS Hanifah, H Wijayanto, A Kurnia
Applied Mathematical Sciences 9 (138), 6857-6865, 2015
Multivariate Fay-Herriot models for small area estimation with application to household consumption per capita expenditure in Indonesia
A Ubaidillah, KA Notodiputro, A Kurnia, IW Mangku
Journal of Applied Statistics, 2019
Classification of rice-plant growth phase using supervised random forest method based on landsat-8 multitemporal data
DW Triscowati, B Sartono, A Kurnia, D Dirgahayu, AW Wijayanto
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 16 (2 …, 2020
Prediksi Terbaik Empirik untuk Model Transformasi Logaritma di dalam Pendugaan Area Kecil dengan Penerapan pada Data Susenas
A Kurnia
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2009
A comparative study of approximation methods for maximum likelihood estimation in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM)
D Handayani, KA Notodiputro, K Sadik, A Kurnia
AIP conference proceedings 1827 (1), 2017
Perbandingan Hasil Pengelompokan menggunakan Analisis Cluster Berhirarki, K-Means Cluster, dan Cluster Ensemble (Studi Kasus Data Indikator Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil)
C Suhaeni, A Kurnia, R Ristiyanti
Jurnal Media Infotama 14 (1), 2018
Multitemporal remote sensing data for classification of food crops plant phase using supervised random forest
DW Triscowati, B Sartono, A Kurnia, DD Domiri, AW Wijayanto
Sixth Geoinformation Science Symposium 11311, 1131102, 2019
Cluster information of non-sampled area in small area estimation
R Anisa, A Kurnia, I Indahwati
E-Prosiding Internasional| Departemen Statistika FMIPA Universitas …, 2013
Penerapan metode jackknife dalam pendugaan area kecil
A Kurnia, KA Notodiputro
Forum Statistika dan Komputasi 11 (1), 2006
A robustness study of student-t distributions in regression models with application to infant birth weight data in Indonesia
A Ubaidillah, KA Notodiputro, A Kurnia, A Fitrianto, IW Mangku
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 58 (1), 012013, 2017
Optimum Spatial Weighted in Small Area Estimation
KS Asfar, Anang Kurnia
Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 (5), 3977-3989, 2016
Conwey-Maxwell Poisson distribution: approach for over-and-under-dispersed count data modelling
M Hayati, K Sadik, A Kurnia
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 187 (1), 012039, 2018
EB-EBLUP MSE Estimator on Small Area Estimation with Application to BPS Data
A Kurnia, KA Notodiputro
International Conference on Mathematical Sciences1. Bandung, 19-21, 2006
Numerical Prediction of paddy weight of Crop Cutting Survey using Generalized Geoadditive Linear Mixed Model
M Ardiansyah, A Kurnia, K Sadik, A Djuraidah, H Wijayanto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1863 (1), 012024, 2021
Pemodelan Kemiskinan di Jawa Menggunakan Bayesian Spasial Probit Pendekatan Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA)
RF Maulina, A Djuraidah, A Kurnia
Media Statistika 12 (2), 140-151, 2019
A study of machine learning algorithms to measure the feature importance in class-imbalance data of food insecurity cases in Indonesia
H Dharmawan, B Sartono, A Kurnia, AF Hadi, E Ramadhani
Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2022, Article ID 101, 2022
Penerapan analisis regresi spline untuk menduga harga cabai di Jakarta
H Wulandari, A Kurnia, B Sumantri, D Kusumaningrum, B Waryanto
Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications 1 (1), 1-12, 2017
Winsor approach in regression analysis with outlier
M Pusparum, A Kurnia, A Alamudi
Applied Mathematical Sciences 11 (41), 2031-2046, 2017
Metode adaboost dan random forest untuk prediksi peserta jkn-kis yang menunggak
IA Rahmi, FM Afendi, A Kurnia
Jambura Journal of Mathematics 5 (1), 83-94, 2023
Small area estimation of sub-district’s per capita expenditure through area effects selection using LASSO method
NH Pusponegoro, A Kurnia, KA Notodiputro, AM Soleh, ET Astuti
Procedia Computer Science 179, 754-761, 2021
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Articles 1–20