Mustafa Demetgul
Mustafa Demetgul
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
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Fault diagnosis of rolling bearings using a genetic algorithm optimized neural network
M Unal, M Onat, M Demetgul, H Kucuk
Measurement 58, 187-196, 2014
Fault diagnosis of pneumatic systems with artificial neural network algorithms
M Demetgul, IN Tansel, S Taskin
Expert systems with Applications 36 (7), 10512-10519, 2009
Optimizations of friction stir welding of aluminum alloy by using genetically optimized neural network
IN Tansel, M Demetgul, H Okuyucu, A Yapici
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 48, 95-101, 2010
Thermal analysis MLP neural network based fault diagnosis on worm gears
T Waqar, M Demetgul
Measurement 86, 56-66, 2016
Fault diagnosis on production systems with support vector machine and decision trees algorithms
M Demetgul
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67, 2183-2194, 2013
Detecting chatter and estimating wear from the torque of end milling signals by using Index Based Reasoner (IBR)
IN Tansel, M Li, M Demetgul, K Bickraj, B Kaya, B Ozcelik
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 58, 109-118, 2012
A thermal-based defect classification method in textile fabrics with K-nearest neighbor algorithm
K Yıldız, A Buldu, M Demetgul
Journal of Industrial Textiles 45 (5), 780-795, 2016
Taguchi method–GONNS integration: complete procedure covering from experimental design to complex optimization
IN Tansel, S Gülmez, M Demetgul, Ş Aykut
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (5), 4780-4789, 2011
Design and testing of an efficient and compact piezoelectric energy harvester
S Korla, RA Leon, IN Tansel, A Yenilmez, A Yapici, M Demetgul
Microelectronics Journal 42 (2), 265-270, 2011
Fault diagnosis on material handling system using feature selection and data mining techniques
M Demetgul, K Yildiz, S Taskin, IN Tansel, O Yazicioglu
Measurement 55, 15-24, 2014
Composite materials technology: neural network applications
SM Sapuan, IM Mujtaba
CRC Press, 2009
Evaluation of the health of riveted joints with active and passive structural health monitoring techniques
M Demetgul, VY Senyurek, R Uyandik, IN Tansel, O Yazicioglu
Measurement 69, 42-51, 2015
Washing machine using fuzzy logic
M Demetgul, O Ulkir, T Waqar
Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems 2 (3), 27, 2014
Selection of optimal machining conditions for the composite materials by using Taguchi and GONNs
Ö Erkan, M Demetgül, B Işik, İN Tansel
Measurement 48, 306-313, 2014
Design of the hybrid regenerative shock absorber and energy harvesting from linear movement
M Demetgul, I Guney
Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 5 (1), 81-84, 2017
Fault diagnosis on bottle filling plant using genetic-based neural network
M Demetgul, M Unal, IN Tansel, O Yazıcıoğlu
Advances in Engineering Software 42 (12), 1051-1058, 2011
A novel thermal-based fabric defect detection technique
K Yildiz, A Buldu, M Demetgul, Z Yildiz
The Journal of The Textile Institute 106 (3), 275-283, 2015
Motor current based misalignment diagnosis on linear axes with short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
D Mustafa, Z Yicheng, G Minjie, H Jonas, F Jürgen
Procedia CIRP 106, 239-243, 2022
Selection of optimum cutting condition of cobalt-based superalloy with GONNS
Ş Aykut, M Demetgul, IN Tansel
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 46, 957-967, 2010
Fault diagnosis of rolling bearings using data mining techniques and boosting
M Unal, Y Sahin, M Onat, M Demetgul, H Kucuk
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 139 (2), 021003, 2017
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