Andrew Manikas
Andrew Manikas
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Cash flow management and manufacturing firm financial performance: A longitudinal perspective
JR Kroes, AS Manikas
International Journal of Production Economics 148, 37-50, 2014
Firm performance in dynamic environments: The role of operational slack and operational scope
JJ Kovach, M Hora, A Manikas, PC Patel
Journal of Operations Management 37, 1-12, 2015
A data-mining approach to identification of risk factors in safety management systems
D Shi, J Guan, J Zurada, A Manikas
Journal of management information systems 34 (4), 1054-1081, 2017
Multi-criteria sequence-dependent job shop scheduling using genetic algorithms
A Manikas, YL Chang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 56 (1), 179-185, 2009
Engaging and misbehaving: How dignity affects employee work behaviors
K Lucas, AS Manikas, ES Mattingly, CJ Crider
Organization Studies 38 (11), 1505-1527, 2017
Operational leanness and retail firm performance since 1980
JR Kroes, AS Manikas, TF Gattiker
International Journal of Production Economics 197, 262-274, 2018
Dynamic capital asset accumulation and value of intangible assets: An operations management perspective
AS Manikas, PC Patel, P Oghazi
Journal of Business Research 103, 119-129, 2019
A newsvendor approach to compliance and production under cap and trade emissions regulation
AS Manikas, JR Kroes
International Journal of Production Economics 159, 274-284, 2015
An exploration of ‘sticky’inventory management in the manufacturing industry
JR Kroes, AS Manikas
Production Planning & Control 29 (2), 131-142, 2018
Logic is (somewhat) overrated: Image-based versus concept-based rhetoric in crowdfunding narratives
PC Patel, MT Wolfe, AS Manikas
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 45 (3), 600-625, 2021
Managing sales surprise: The role of operational slack and volume flexibility
AS Manikas, PC Patel
International Journal of Production Economics 179, 101-116, 2016
Shock and awe: Loudness and unpredictability in Twitter messages and crowdfunding campaign success
MT Wolfe, PC Patel, AS Manikas
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (4), 246-256, 2021
A scatter search approach to sequence-dependent setup times job shop scheduling
A Manikas, YL Chang
International Journal of Production Research 47 (18), 5217-5236, 2009
A review of operations management literature: a data-driven approach
A Manikas, L Boyd, J Guan, K Hoskins
International Journal of Production Research 58 (5), 1442-1461, 2020
Experiential exercises with four production planning and control systems
A Manikas, M Gupta, L Boyd
International Journal of Production Research 53 (14), 4206-4217, 2015
Inducing green behavior in a manufacturer
A Manikas, M Godfrey
Global journal of business research 4 (2), 27-38, 2010
(Not) near and dear: COVID-19 concerns increase consumer preference for products that are not “near me”
M Kwon, AS Manikas, MJ Barone
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 7 (1), 8-16, 2022
Does the importance of environmental issues within an industry affect the relationship between lean operations and corporate financial performance?
AS Manikas, JR Kroes, BP Foster
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 2112-2120, 2021
Retail Store Churn and Firm Performance: The Mitigating Role of Amplitude and Unpredictability of Industry Retail Sales
P Patel, E Struckell, D Ohja, A Manikas
International Journal of Production Economics, 222, 107510, 2020
Integrating triple bottom line sustainability concepts into a supplier selection exercise
M Godfrey, A Manikas
Business Education & Accreditation 4 (1), 1-12, 2012
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Articles 1–20