Tetsuya Takaishi
Tetsuya Takaishi
Hiroshima University of Economics
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Lattice QCD at finite density: An Introductory review
S Muroya, A Nakamura, C Nonaka, T Takaishi
Progress of theoretical physics 110 (4), 615-668, 2003
Testing and tuning symplectic integrators for the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm in lattice QCD
T Takaishi, P De Forcrand
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (3 …, 2006
Heavy quark potential and effective actions on blocked configurations
T Takaishi
Physical Review D 54 (1), 1050, 1996
Statistical properties and multifractality of Bitcoin
T Takaishi
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 506, 507-519, 2018
Renormalization group flow of SU (3) lattice gauge theory. Numerical studies in a two coupling space
P de Forcrand, MG Pérez, T Hashimoto, S Hioki, H Matsufuru, ...
Nuclear Physics B 577 (1-2), 263-278, 2000
Deconfinement phase transition in one-flavor QCD
C Alexandrou, A Borici, A Feo, P de Forcrand, A Galli, F Jegerlehner, ...
Physical Review D 60 (3), 034504, 1999
Cryptocurrencies and equity funds: Evidence from an asymmetric multifractal analysis
W Kristjanpoller, E Bouri, T Takaishi
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 545, 123711, 2020
Meson correlators in finite temperature lattice QCD
P de Forcrand, MG Pérez, T Hashimoto, S Hioki, H Matsufuru, ...
Physical Review D 63 (5), 054501, 2001
Responses of hadrons to the chemical potential at finite temperature
S Choe, P De Forcrand, MG Perez, S Hioki, Y Liu, H Matsufuru, ...
Physical Review D 65 (5), 054501, 2002
Fast fermion Monte Carlo
P de Forcrand, T Takaishi
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 53 (1-3), 968-970, 1997
Scaling study of pure gauge lattice QCD by Monte Carlo renormalization group method
K Akemi, M Fujisaki, M Okuda, Y Tago, P de Forcrand, T Hashimoto, ...
Physical review letters 71 (19), 3063, 1993
Rough volatility of Bitcoin
T Takaishi
Finance Research Letters 32, 101379, 2020
Properties of hadron screening masses at small baryonic density
I Pushkina, P de Forcrand, MG Perez, S Kim, H Matsufuru, A Nakamura, ...
Physics Letters B 609 (3-4), 265-270, 2005
Realized volatility and absolute return volatility: a comparison indicating market risk
Z Zheng, Z Qiao, T Takaishi, HE Stanley, B Li
PloS one 9 (7), e102940, 2014
Simulations of financial markets in a Potts-like model
T Takaishi
International Journal of Modern Physics C 16 (08), 1311-1317, 2005
QCD simulations at small chemical potential
P de Forcrand, S Kim, T Takaishi
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 119, 541-543, 2003
Market efficiency, liquidity, and multifractality of Bitcoin: A dynamic study
T Takaishi, T Adachi
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets 27, 145-154, 2020
Choice of integrator in the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
T Takaishi
Computer physics communications 133 (1), 6-17, 2000
Proc. Sci.
S Kim, P de Forcrand, S Kratochvila, T Takaishi
Contribution of disconnected diagrams to the hyperfine splitting of charmonium
P De Forcrand, MG Pérez, H Matsufuru, A Nakamura, I Pushkina, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (08), 004, 2004
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Articles 1–20